I agree with you on LCR differences to a point (need to majorly big to measure a difference, factor of 4 should do it) & my only recommendation regarding cables is normaly go for large CSA, but I cant agree on phase, no way you will hear a difference.
When I'm using my PC and casually listening at the same time I'm only about 6 inches infront of my speakers with them about 2 feet either side of me. As soon as I move back to my sofa about 6 feet away the sound comes alive and is brilliant. I think you really need to start moving your speakers about, have you toed them in towards your listening position?
As a marantz user I can say that the sound should definitely be smooth as silk and have plenty of power when required!

Positioning is definitely the problem as everyone has said, suggest you deliberately set it up somewhere just for a test with it all in the correct position etc just to show yourself what kind of sound your looking for. I have them along the wall on the right of me when on the pc and use headphones when gaming etc to get the correct soundstage for that. And tehn lie on the bed for perfect music positioning! Whats your amp and cdp resting on at the moment?
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