FEAR is deffo worht a look, ive not played Prey yet but the demo was excellent. Ive ordered Prey so id be able to tell you which is best in a few weeks or whatever but i dont think you want to wait that long lol. Id say get both and then if you get bored or stuck on one game you can play the other.

i played the demo of f.e.a.r and i can honestly say that no game has ever made me so scared in all my life i mean i crapped my self my heart was racing and i had to turn the lights on buy it

Ive also played prey and that's got some mint aspects even the theory of a Dyson sphere is mind boggling and with its online capabilities its a force to be reckoned with get this too

if you cant afford both sell a sibling or an old gfx card
I'd say both too. I didn't feel the scariness or general greatness from FEAR but it was a solid fps and it had a neat story. Go for Prey just to get that weird nauseating feeling from the perspective switching :D
5bjoshua said:
Ive got both and id say FEAR is a lot better.
Agree. I thought FEAR was a tad overrated but compared to Prey it's a gaming masterpiece. IMO, Prey was too repetitive due to poor level design, the AI stank and was obviously modelled on the intelligence of a modern day genius such as Jade Goody and the weapons were unimaginative and boring. If you've played the demo you've experienced all that Prey has to offer. Please buy FEAR.
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I thought FEAR was an amazing game, I loved the detail, the ai was good so you could have some really good battles, good story and it was fun to play plus it was quite freaky, one of the only games that I've played solidly until it was completed.

I've only played the demo of Prey and I really enjoyed but the ai is lacking and I think it would get boring quite quickly, I don't really like the fact that it feels a lot like doom, I know its the same engine but a lot of it seemed way too similar.

Far Cry as well if you haven't got, another excellent FPS.
I have finished both games & FEAR is by far the better game of the two ;) As said above Prey is very linnear,but i still enjoyed it all the same.

Sure FEAR can be had for around £12 now though,makes it a pretty good buy :D

Got both also. Fear is a better game, but I do like prey a lot. It had a few orginal good ideas and although it could have been better.
Here's what happens in FEAR:

1) Quicksave
2) Look into the next room. There are 4 guys in there
3) Throw a grenade in and hit slow-mo
4) Headshot the first guy
5) Grenade kills second guy, injures third
6) Spray bullets into third guy while fourth guy runs away
7) Duck back around corner as slow-mo runs out
8) Wait, either for fourth guy to run round corner so you can shotgun him, or till you have enough slow-mo to go find him
9) Go back to step 1

Occasionally you'll see a scary dude or a little girl. At this point it is obligatory to "crap ones pants". There's also some really boring voicemail messages to help explain the plot, but they're not up to much. System Shock 2 this is not.

That's about it.
Completed FEAR and currently playing through Prey.
Both are nice and gory, and have some satisfying visuals.
Prey is pretty flashy with the portals and gravity, but the sheer satisfaction and the grin that comes accross my face during firefights comfortably wins it over.

Yes you can do what vonhelmet says to complete the game quite easily, but its much more fun if you attack differently, avoid using slomo sometimes, its fun, trying to get the most satisfying kill.
Prey is far more repetative so far.
vonhelmet said:
Here's what happens in FEAR:

1) Quicksave
2) Look into the next room. There are 4 guys in there
3) Throw a grenade in and hit slow-mo
4) Headshot the first guy
5) Grenade kills second guy, injures third
6) Spray bullets into third guy while fourth guy runs away
7) Duck back around corner as slow-mo runs out
8) Wait, either for fourth guy to run round corner so you can shotgun him, or till you have enough slow-mo to go find him
9) Go back to step 1

Occasionally you'll see a scary dude or a little girl. At this point it is obligatory to "crap ones pants". There's also some really boring voicemail messages to help explain the plot, but they're not up to much. System Shock 2 this is not.

That's about it.

Thats *** I thought too....FEAR was boring...and only slighly scary the first 5 minutes.
Just started playing Prey at the weekend and I kinda like it. Like Doom3 but far more adavnced.

Buy FEAR now for cheap.....finish it then buy PREY...cos then thtt will be cheap.
FEAR is the better game IMO, Prey is just a tad boring and the lack of any punishement for dying just makes it a tiring process to finish the game without really worrying about anything.
vonhelmet said:
Here's what happens in FEAR:

1) Quicksave
2) Look into the next room. There are 4 guys in there
3) Throw a grenade in and hit slow-mo
4) Headshot the first guy
5) Grenade kills second guy, injures third
6) Spray bullets into third guy while fourth guy runs away
7) Duck back around corner as slow-mo runs out
8) Wait, either for fourth guy to run round corner so you can shotgun him, or till you have enough slow-mo to go find him
9) Go back to step 1

Occasionally you'll see a scary dude or a little girl. At this point it is obligatory to "crap ones pants". There's also some really boring voicemail messages to help explain the plot, but they're not up to much. System Shock 2 this is not.

That's about it.

Pretty much word for word how i played the game !! Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed fear but apart from the occasional bits where the guys tht make themself invisable apear, you KNOW if you see one guy then you have between 4 and 6 to kill before wandering around empty coriddors for 5 minues and then meet.......another 4 to 6 guys before walking around empty coriddors for 5 minutes......
FEAR is better IMO, due to the superior combat. Prey is very dumbed down with very easy fights and non-existent AI, made even easier by the fact that you can respawn.

That said, FEAR isn't a classic either. In 2004 we had games better than both of these, in the shape of Far Cry, Doom3 and Halflife 2.
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