F.E.A.R which ive just finished 15mins ago , awesome ending, a must have game i must say, i've played the demo of PREY i admit it was fun with nice graphics but it just seemed too Doom3 but not scary (if you can call doom3 scary) a good all rounder i think be F.E.A.R wins it over for me.
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Right near the end of Prey now. Its got some creepy bits.
Some bits make my spine go all goosepimply in the same way as Fear does.
Its something about creepy little kids.....
Don't judge Prey from the demo. After the demo ends it open out into a game of much more scope with bigger areas, especially when you get to the shuttle bits. The story becomes more interesting and engaging as it goes along too. The full game is a lot better than the demo suggests.

I think the reason some people finished Prey quickly and found it easy is down to how much they used the 'death mini game'. I only used it for the hard bosses, the rest of the time I managed without it. If you rely on the mini game you can just rocket every enemy in the face at point blank range and there's no consequence from dying. Much better to play as a regular game using load/save in my opinion.
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Mp4 said:
F.E.A.R which ive just finished 15mins ago , awesome ending, a must have game i must say, i've played the demo of PREY i admit it was fun with nice graphics but it just seemed too Doom3 but not scary (if you can call doom3 scary) a good all rounder i think be F.E.A.R wins it over for me.

I thought I was the only one who didn't find Doom3 or Fear scary :p I played in the dark, and still, nothing. AvP2, now THATS scary :)
AVP2 was defo scary as a Marine it was dead fun with the alien couldnt really get on with the predator though. I will probably get Prey when i see it in the bargain bin :P
FEAR definatly has better fire fights and weapons, but I wouldn't call it scary, the demo showed the best scares.

Prey kept my attention for longer, but their both pretty repetitive.
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