19 Oct 2004
Any estate agents will answer all the above questions for you - they usually charge different amount for different types of advertising for a start (in the window, newspaper ads etc)

My main advise would be to get several estate agents to both value the property and explain all the fees to you clearly before you decide who to go with. :)
29 Nov 2005
In addition to the above, I've answered your questions for the usual expectation in the quote below. As already suggested, your best bet is to get some quotes in order to make an informed decision - same with anything really!

smoove said:
My gran is thinking about selling her home and she asked me to go down to an estate agency to make sure they arnt swindeling her. Just wondering:

1) If theres a standard amount of time estate agencys will advertise the house for? Or do they vary between them.
You normally have to sign a sole agency contract, which means they are the sole sellers for a period of usually 6-8 weeks. If you want to use more than one state agent, then the % commission charged will be higher. You can still get more than one agent to do a valuation before you sign up though.

2) I often see homes for sale by estage angencys in the paper and things, are things like an extra cost, or do they all do it?
It is down to the estate agent to advertise your property - this is included in the commission costs.

3) How will estage agents advertise the property, do they just put up a board in the window and take calls on it, or are there other things that they do?
Most sales are done via buyers visiting the estate office and picking up details on a selection of properties that match their criteria. More people are searching online now. Estate agents will also advertise a selection of their properties in local papers.

4) What would the main differences be between estage agents, other than fees/the above?
Er, reputation, quality of service. Same with any service really. Try and get someone to reccommend you an agent.
Last edited:
26 Oct 2006

I would suggest that you make it clear that you or perhaps another adult relative will be "involved" in the sale of the property. There can be some pretty dodgy people around. Might I also suggest that if she can, she is not in when people come for viewings.

Other than that, my top tips for dealing with estate agents is:

- Negotiate the fee up front. Start at 1% - you never know. I got mine down from 2% to 1.5% and thats a few thousand these days.
- Insist on *not* having a for sale board up. Sometimes this leads to people just turning up and having a look around.

1) If theres a standard amount of time estate agencys will advertise the house for? Or do they vary between them.
Until it sells. Sole agency contracts normally last 6 weeks to 3 months.

2) I often see homes for sale by estage angencys in the paper and things, are things like an extra cost, or do they all do it?
All part of the service.

3) How will estage agents advertise the property, do they just put up a board in the window and take calls on it, or are there other things that they do?
They will phone their list of people looking for similar properties, advertise on the web and in the local press.

4) What would the main differences be between estage agents, other than fees/the above?
Tricky as most are franchises. Best advise is go for the one that you know is the most popular local one. The one with the double page adds in the center of the local paper, or the one with the most "for sale signs" up - they genrally know the market better and will make the most realistic valuation.

Good Luck!
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