Delivery Drivers Patience

They'll be getting around £1 a delivery, it's minimum wage, out of that are running costs for what is predominantly a sole trader self employed courier workforce using their own vehicles. Time is money, and its very low money at that, i can't blame them really.

You always get an estimated delivery window, every app has driver tracking now via GPS, just make sure someone is in or update delivery note to leave in porch, side gate or neighbour. No big deal, not frustrating at all.

My problem is that they never, ever, pay any attention to the delivery instructions - almost every company. Its like it takes too much time for them to bother to read them and make the proper delivery, so they just make a half-attempt and "that'll do".

The customer doesn't set their pay, the company sets their own prices, the problem is that the basic standard can be very poor. But what's the alternative? You just use another company that is equally inept.
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I'm hard of hearing, so often won't hear when delivery drivers give a little tap on the door. My door bell works perfectly, and is very obvious, but only about a quarter of drivers seem to bother with it. When they do ring (or I hear the knock), they're often at the next house or back in the van in the 10-20 seconds it takes to get to the door.

I fully understand that this is primarily down to their huge workloads, driven by the low charges we enjoy for most delivery services.
I'm lucky with my Amazon driver, as they know I'm pretty slow getting to the door and happily wait most of the time as long as I'm not absurdly slow. Royal Mail are likewise great, DPD constantly superb...Evri though. Man, Evri add double digits to my blood pressure.
had a mixture

if its a real amazon van & driver they wait
if its a standard van they dont
if its evri, nigel always waits & we have banter,

pretty sure there giving them even more crazy expectations that 30s might count
I'm lucky with my Amazon driver, as they know I'm pretty slow getting to the door and happily wait most of the time as long as I'm not absurdly slow. Royal Mail are likewise great, DPD constantly superb...Evri though. Man, Evri add double digits to my blood pressure.

This pretty much.

I ordered a big ticket item once, might have been my oled tv, can't remember, but it had full DPD? tracking IIRC... logging into DPD on the day of delivery first thing in the morning, I was number 120 or something daft on the drop list.

For smaller stuff, I have an amazon prefernce to drop it into my little shed type thing that houses the weely bin and recycling boxes.

My royal mail postie is really good too, when I first moved in, he had a quick chat with me andsaid the last occupants he dropped packages off into the shed thing, so thats what he does now if im not in or he's really busy.
This pretty much.

I ordered a big ticket item once, might have been my oled tv, can't remember, but it had full DPD? tracking IIRC... logging into DPD on the day of delivery first thing in the morning, I was number 120 or something daft on the drop list.

For smaller stuff, I have an amazon prefernce to drop it into my little shed type thing that houses the weely bin and recycling boxes.

My royal mail postie is really good too, when I first moved in, he had a quick chat with me andsaid the last occupants he dropped packages off into the shed thing, so thats what he does now if im not in or he's really busy.

It's always worth getting to know your postie, and I hope it doesn't change any time soon. I often put some coffee in a paper cup for him to look forward to.
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