Dell 2005FPW 20" or Belinea 102035W 20.1"

25 Apr 2006
I am looking at getting either of these two monitors and at the moment I am leaning towards the Dell, despite it being slightly more expensive. Was wondering what you guys think? The reviews I have read for both monitors have been mixed. I am an avid gamer but also do a fair bit of video editing and media work.

I noticed a couple of weeks ago they were both on offer, does anyone know if they will be going back on offer any time soon?

Advice and guidance much apprciated.
The 2005FPW is a bit of an old screen now really, and the Belinea certainly offers improved responsiveness compared with the Dell thanks to modern technolgoy and most notably, the application of overdrive. Responsiveness is still pretty good on the Dell, and many people do find it fine for gaming. However, the Belinea is faster and is a very good all round screen really. I think if you want a more modern screen with a better response time for games, the Belinea might be a better choice really.
Thanks for your advice. My friend recently brought his belinea round and I was getting a good look at it. I really like it and played a few games on it and it seemed to perform pretty well from what I could tell. I wasn't that impressed with the way the DVI cable plugged into the monitor though, it was a bit of a squeeze and the cable had to be bent to fit in.

I think reason has got the better of me and I am going to hold off from buying a new monitor for a few months and just make do with the CRT I am using at the moment.

Does anyone have any info on new LCD monitors being released in the near future?
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