Dell 2007wfp Problem

5 Nov 2002
Have only had this screen about 3 weeks & also installed a x1900xt at the same time. When starting a game after a few minutes the monitor will go into Powersave & I am unable to bring it out without restarting the computer. This happens about 9/10 times & is starting to get very annoying :( currently playing (trying to) COH, C&C3 & Tomb Raider.
Could try the screen on another PC (or other device, anything with composite or s-video out like a DVD player can be connected to it), or try a different video card in your PC, just to be 100% sure it's the screen that's the problem. It does sound like the screen though, in which case you should get onto Dell for a replacement a.s.a.p. (assuming you don't want a refund from the retailer). Once the screen is over 30 days old, Dell will be less keen to give you a brand new replacement and will try to give you a refurb. Also if you did want a refund, the retailer will be less keen to give it to you after 30 days.
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