Dell Dimension XPS D333

I do apologize if my posts were not clear or didn't make any sense but I guess it happens when the stress of something can start to get to you. I had two CF cards one 8GB one and a 2GB one. The 8GB CF card is the one that died but the 2GB CF card is fine.

The problems I was experiencing all came down to that headache of the BIOS it has.

The "windows protection error. you need to restart your computer C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32.VXD: MISSING/unable to load" This is a common problem that occurs with some computers when installing Win98 and the solution to this is to eject the Win98 setup CD and restart the computer and the setup will continue on then insert the Win98 setup CD and it will complete the Win98 setup.

So all in all its a good machine and in full working order now running Windows 98SE :)
I have 2 of a similar age, a D233 and D300 iirc and one thing to bare in mind is although the motherboards look like standard Intel ATX boards and have the same power connectors these use propriety pin outs, so putting a regular ATX PSU into will normally kill something on the board. Pretty sure the support site still gave info and manuals from them if you put the service tags in but its been a year or so since I last checked and I don't have my numbers on hand to try myself.

I have been thinking about the power supply, luckily the power supply is in good working order so I won't have to replace that anytime soon and of course power supplies are repairable, however what I was thinking is building a conversion board out of a ATX power supply socket "which I don't have" but if I ever get any scrap motherboards I can desolder the ATX power connector from one and solder it to a breadboard and build the conversion board and I'd need some AT sockets as well and some AT P plugs, everything else I already have then that way if I ever needed to replace the power supply in the future I can use a standard ATX power supply.

I had an old IBM 300GL that had a faulty power supply and I converted a standard ATX power supply to work on it but building a conversion board would be a lot better and save time in the long run.
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