Gave a local pc shop the job of building my new home server, mentioned that the card might need flashed to IT mode, the usual process price quoted and accepted, now he’s trying to pass the buck back to me
How can you tell what mode the SAS controller is in and does it need to be in IT mode if I’m just using it a JBOD for 7 No. 3.5” HDD?
motherboard is B450 Tomahawk NON pro original version I assume that it won’t run in UEFI mode due to bios size limitations?
How can you tell what mode the SAS controller is in and does it need to be in IT mode if I’m just using it a JBOD for 7 No. 3.5” HDD?
motherboard is B450 Tomahawk NON pro original version I assume that it won’t run in UEFI mode due to bios size limitations?