Dell S2417DG (1440p, 165hz, g-sync) owners thread

3 Jun 2014
Just picked up one of these to try out instead of 4k as the PPI makes the image really close to 32" 4k but with power to spare to get really high fps on a titan x pascal.

It looks a very nice monitor with thin bezels and adjustable stand. After firing it up didn't notice any backlight bleed or other issues. This is a great TN panel for viewing angles as it seems much better than others, the vertical gamma shift seems quite minimal and so is more like IPS. The panel is not at all grainy like a rog swift TN and is as grain free as your average quality IPS panel. The controls for the menu are on the underside and are push buttons not some horrid touch based ones.

I managed to get the advertised 165hz overclock no problems. On the scrolling UFO test i couldn't see any overshoot at all and it seemed to look perfect, in fact 144hz and 60hz were just as perfect as well, a very nicely tuned overdrive. Tried ULMB even though i won't use it, 85 and 100hz looked okay with a little overshoot looking ghosting as per normal on strobed panels but 120hz gave a distinct double image for some reason.

I ran a calibration (altering OSD settings only and not creating any kind of ICC profile at the moment) and the greyscale could be made to look great if not 100% perfect, the colours also were great with no undersaturation at 0-100%. Only green went off hue a little but is not an issue. The main thing that can't be fixed via the OSD is the gamma. Their are no options and it is far too bright and the curve is bowed. Luckily a quick trip into nvidia CP and changing gamma to 0.83 from the default 1.00 gave it a rich look although still bowed and it all looked fine now and very pleasing to look at compared to IPS. Obviously most games in exclusive fullscreen ignore the NCP gamma setting so i just play in borderless window mode to get around this as g-sync works fine.

Checked out ROTTR, witcher 3, shadow warrior 2 and forza horizon 3 for starters all set to 165hz g-sync borderless window. Absolutely fantastic image and could hardly tell it wasn't IPS, way better than the rog swift TN. The PPI made is look fantastic like 4k but with silky controls and motion. So nice having a grain free image with minimal vertical gamma shift. Until a review emerges to see if response times are better at 144hz overall i will stick with 165hz as shadow warrior 2 is hitting 165fps indoors at the beginning.

Overall the gamma out of the box is a little disappointing but can be overcome to a degree to not matter any more. I might calibrate an ICC profile to run in borderless window mode for better accuracy but for now i'm pleased with the NCP fix and in no hurry. Fantastic monitor and well worth the cost IMO as a 4k alternative for a high end gpu.
I've been thinking of getting this monitor over similar 27" ones but struggling to find many reviews of it (hopefully tftcentral will soon).

How do you find the pixel density? Does the scaling work fine?

2ft or less and no need for any scaling on desktop. It actually seems quite large to me after 4k at various screen sizes. The PPI is great and the closest to 4k at 32" you can get without being a silly size. By scaling do you mean from lower resolutions? or windows scaling quality?
Windows mostly. I know in older versions the scaling is pretty poor but was wondering how well Windows 10 does on this monitor specifically. I'd like the pixel density in games, though my pretty poor eyes can only just comfortably read text 27" 1440p without scaling at a normal sitting distance so I might have to use scaling.

It's a shame there is no where local with these types of monitors on display. I feel like I'm going in blind when monitor shopping :(

Whenever i get a high PPI monitor, windows when i first plug it in sets windows scaling automatically before i set it back to 100%. It always looks very nice but of course some things like steam don't scale though. Icons and the edge browser look great though at larger scaled sizes on windows 10.
I just received my s2417dg and I cant seem to get the 165hz overclock working.....has anybody with this monitor been able to get that refresh rate? Every time I overclock it on the monitor menu the monitor doesn't connect to my gtx 980ti, it just says its in power saving mode and it has a blank screen. Odd thing is that I need to connect the monitor back to HDMI to get access to reset the factory settings on the monitor just to get the display port signal to work again. This seems really strange to me and im wondering if my monitors board is the problem, maybe I got a lemon?

Also just to note I used the original dp cable it came with along with another dp 1.2 cable I was using for 3 years with my asus vg248qe monitor.

Any suggestions guys? I might need to send it back for an exchange.

So just to confirm, you enabled the overclock setting then selected 165hz by scrolling up & then kept pressing right until it says select yes to reboot monitor which then you do. The dell sign appears on a black screen & then 165hz should be a selectable option in nvidia CP. If this is what you did then it should work unless yours won't reach the full 165hz. I use a quality 3m DP cable & have had no issue on my pascal gpu getting a fully stable 165hz.
Did some more calibrating & with the latest nvidia driver. Greyscale calibrated the best the monitor can do via the OSD & settled on a monitor contrast setting that flattened out the end of the gamma slightly & didn't affect the low end too much. Then with this result in place i used nvidia CP gamma to shift the gamma line upwards. I used gamma 0.89 which still let bar 18 flash just but not bar 17 on the black level calibration test pattern. I can't get the results to be any better now but I am very pleased now with my final calibration result.

I tried doing an ICC profile calibration but it crushed more near black shades & gave the low end near black a brown tint, I just didn't think it looked as good so monitor OSD and nvidia CP gamma is the best way to go. Some graphs below to show what is possible with these easy to do changes.

Greyscale -



I thought i'd post my settings used although these may not be good for your monitor.

Brightness - 70 (or whatever you want)
Contrast - 72 (default is 75 but this setting helped high end gamma flatten out without affecting the low end)
Custom colour RGB - R 95 G 95 B 100

Then using the latest nvidia drivers used their control panel gamma setting of 0.89

Then just run games in borderless window mode at 165hz with g-sync enabled, but don't forget to tick enable g-sync to work in fullscreen and window modes.
Played some of the rise of the tomb raider DLC at croft manor which is quite dark and wanted a darker gamma setting. Fiddled around with nvidia CP gamma and found on my setup 0.86 gave a 2.4 gamma with a bit darker shadowed areas than before, looked very nice think i'll stick with this setting now.

Still amazes me how good this monitor looks and i didn't realize that some games seem to support proper fullscreen mode with your nvidia CP gamma setting which is great. Still not spotted any response time issues at all since using the monitor for a bit, it is essentially perfect in that regard. All the games look very blur free and crisp.

What is the NCP fix? I just ordered a S2716DG and I need to calibrate it when it arrives on Nov 2nd!

Also, how do I set up G-sync? I have never had an adaptive sync monitor. I have a GTX980 (but plan to upgrade to a GTX1080 in early 2017).

You need to open nvidia control panel, which if you don't know how you just right click on desktop and select it.
Regarding the gamma option i spoke of here is a picture with the mouse curser showing it. "Use nvidia settings" needs to be checked as you can see to make it active. You should drag the slider to the left to make the gamma darker on your new dell as it is a bit like my 24" out of the box. When finished click apply.
You need to go to this website link
And hopefully you should be able to see squares 1 & 2 before any gamma alterations. When altering the nvidia gamma slider you will probably lose squares 1 & 2 but make sure that you can still see square 3 otherwise you will start to lose too much dark detail. Without measuring equipment it's hard to know what gamma you will end up with but as long as it looks good to you in a variety of games it will be fine. Just keep box 3 visible as i said and don't go any further.
You can test which games support this gamma adjustment by switching between borderless window mode in game (which always uses the adjustment) to proper fullscreen mode and if the image looks the same you can go ahead and use proper fullscreen mode in the game.


Regarding g-sync go into nvidia control panel again and set it to look like this.


The first thing to note is that v-sync and triple buffering should be turned off in game on all games that you play at proper fullscreen.
Then go to manage 3d settings. "Monitor technology" should be set to g-sync, "maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1, "multidisplay/mixed gpu accel" set to single display, "power management mode" to prefer max perf, "prefered refresh rate" highest available. The only other option left to set is "vertical sync". This option only comes into play when you hit the max fps of your monitor ie: 144fps or over as g-sync turns off here. Setting off means tearing as usual over 144fps, v-sync means lag and locked to 144fps and fast sync means no tearing or lag over 144fps just some judder. These v-sync settings only apply in proper fullscreen as in windows borderless it will revert to windows v-sync if i'm not mistaken. I just leave mine set to fast sync.
Because i use MSI afterburner to overclock my gpu and you get Rivatuner statistics server with it. I use RTSS on global and limit the framerate so g-sync is always active. So you could limit to 140fps like below.


I hope this helps you out, hopefully i didn't miss anything out. All these options can do your head in at times. One thing to note is that windows store DX12 games won't adhere to the RTSS framerate limit.
Vega, thank you, that was highly informative and helpful. I can't wait until they deliver my package on Tuesday. I payed $699 Canadian. Is that a good price? That's 428 pounds.

It costs £500 in the UK usually so it sounds good. I paid £443 for my 24" model. Not sure how much things cost in Canada but Linus tech tips makes it sound like it is quite costly compared to the United States. Have fun on Tuesday!
It arrived a day early and I'm using it right now. It's quite kickass.

How do I get games to run in borderless fullscreen window instead of exclusive fullscreen if there is no such in game option?

The gamma out of the box was crap but I was warned. No bad pixels so far.

Looking forward to replies!

Glad you are enjoying it. If the game has a windowed mode option this program seems to be what you need, i've not tried it myself though as the games i play so far are fine. If you do give it a go let me know how it goes.
**Please don't quote posts referencing competitors**

You can buy it for £443.99 from a reputable PC site, obviously can't mention names but google the monitor name and you'll find them quite easily.
Hey, ive had both! The only noticable difference really is the size tbh.

I would probably pick the 24" for absolute super serious hardcore fps gaming but the 27" has more wow factor with it being bigger.

Didn't the overshoot and grainy panel of the 27" bother you though as the 24" is free of these issues.
If he had A02 or later for the S2716DG then the screen surface is similar.

It's good to see this happen as their is no reason for ROG swift TN type of grainyness to have a matte screen.

On another note as you review monitors for a living, is the i1 profiler software i got with my i1 display pro any good? I tried using it again and the dark areas always end up looking brown tinted and if i aim for 2.2 gamma it crushes extra dark shade boxes on the Lagom black level test. In the end i set 2.1 as the target and although it still produces brown tints to really dark shadows the low end shades are not crushed now and the image looks very nice on Battlefield and other games.
I got the Dell S2417DG monitor, and I think it is great.

The only thing that is bugging me is, the bottom left and right corners you can see a light bleed (not sure if that is the right description).

You can notice it when playing a game if it is in an dark environment. And if you are watching a movie with borders, you can see it in each corner.

Is there a fault with the monitor? or is it just the TN panel?

Thanks for any advice on this.

It's sounds like you may have backlight bleed which is just bad luck. Mine has a completely uniform screen when displaying a full black screen. Dead on looking at the middle of the screen it's perfect on dark scenes etc. Only if i move quite a bit off axis do i see a slight tint due to viewing angles on dark stuff but it's nothing serious or anything like an IPS.
Do you think I could get it exchanged for another one then?

So just so I am understanding correctly you are looking dead centre to the monitor left to right & top to bottom & view it from say 23 inches which is what I am doing. If you are checking it like this then it should not have a backlight bleed issue. If you got it from somewhere with a great returns/exchange policy sure why not. For the money it costs you want to be happy with it.
Yes, I am sitting dead centre of the monitor.

I have took a photo of a movie playing on it. If you look at the top border and then look at the bottom one you can see the difference.

It is doesn't come across well in the photo, but it is a bit more noticeable when you see it in person.

It is minor, and you could probably live with it. If it was you, what would you do?

Looking at the photo i can't really see too much of an issue like you said. I'm not sure if you should send it back or not as you can possibly get a worse one. It really depends on the return policy of where you bought it and also how much it's annoying you.
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