My U2713 arrived yesterday. Initially I was very pleased, in a bright office mid day. A real step up from my old trusty 2405FPW. However, come evening I was stunned to see really bad light bleed from the bottom left corner. It was completely distracting when watching a movie, washing out all the blacks in that corner with a yellowish tinge. No matter what adjustments I made to brightness, contrast, etc, it remained. Alas it ruins the monitor for multimedia use for me.
Plus I seem to be suffering a lot of image ghosting where if I have left the screen for 10 minutes or so then a ghost image remains visible on darker backgrounds (say opening Photoshop CS6 with its dark gray layout) for a long time afterwards (I'd say around 30 minutes later having had other windows open on top of the original screen, the ghost image is no longer visible). This is also very distracting and I don't remember ever having this issue with the 2405FPW. If I move the Photoshop window around the screen, the ghost image remains locked in place, of course. What is happening here? Anyone got any ideas? Is it the monitor, or is it something to do with my ATI 5870 graphics card at this resolution?