Delta airlines plane crashes at Toronto airport

29 May 2005
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I'm having a hard time picturing exactly how it's possible to have landed upside down like that. Surely the wings would have prevented a horizontal roll, and flipping upside down surely would have more... er... devastating? And hence unlikely? So they came in upside down?

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Ah, it looks like the wings are off, so it could have been a horizontol roll then... wow.
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I'm having a hard time picturing exactly how it's possible to have landed upside down like that. Surely the wings would have prevented a horizontal roll, and flipping upside down surely would have more... er... devastating? And hence unlikely? So they came in upside down?
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Chuffing hell, very very lucky! (or er...unlucky depending on your outlook!)
Icy runway and gusts exceeding what the jet is capable of operating in, lucky no one was killed. Safety seems to have gone out the window.
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I guess Delta is going to have a very large laundry bill! :)

Thank goodness no one has died; I understand some people are in critical condition so fingers firmly crossed for them.

Pprune thread here.
I find this odd but what is going on? Ever since 2025 started, why are we hearing of a plane crash every other week?

On the other hand, glad to see people survived, it could have been a whole lot worse!
Wonder if the undercarriage gave way due to the hard landing, thus tipped onto one of the wings at such a force, snapping it and causing plane to roll and be in its upside down state.
I don't think it was stalled, it wouldn't have made it to the touchdown zone if so, and those aircraft have a fairly low nose attitude on approach. But, there doesn't seem to be any flare at all, the nose doesn't pitch up at all until maybe the last 0.5secs before impact which is way too late to actually arrest the decent rate. I don't know if these aircraft have radio altimeter callouts to aid the landing, but if not, it simply seems like the pilot flying just lost awareness of how low they were and just didn't flare in time, as all other reports seems to state the rest of the approach and aircraft itself were normal. Then with no flare, its slammed into the runway, gear collapsed, and with some crosswind and not being perfectly aligned with the runway, its gone sideways slightly, rolled onto a wing which has given way and snapped off, and then rolled onto its back with the opposite wing then stopping it from just rolling like a pencil. Ouch.
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