Out of interest, where did you get this info from?Icy runway and gusts exceeding what the jet is capable of operating in, lucky no one was killed. Safety seems to have gone out the window.
Out of interest, where did you get this info from?Icy runway and gusts exceeding what the jet is capable of operating in, lucky no one was killed. Safety seems to have gone out the window.
Out of interest, where did you get this info from?
How would your general passenger or resident know the limits of a CRJ900?Passenger and local resident reports, but investigators are saying the opposite.
I'm having a hard time picturing exactly how it's possible to have landed upside down like that. Surely the wings would have prevented a horizontal roll, and flipping upside down surely would have more... er... devastating? And hence unlikely? So they came in upside down?
:: edit ::
Ah, it looks like the wings are off, so it could have been a horizontol roll then... wow.
Passengers are residents know nothing about the technical aspects of these things.Passenger and local resident reports, but investigators are saying the opposite.
Passengers are residents know nothing about the technical aspects of these things.
I've been sent a video from a friend, filmed from the flight deck of the aircraft at the holding point, waiting to cross or line up. (Subject aircraft travelling left to right). I can't link due to expletives, but I'm sure it'll soon be in the public domain sooner or later if not already.there doesn't seem to be any flare at all, the nose doesn't pitch up at all until maybe the last 0.5secs before impact
How did that not exploded into a fireball on impact is quite a miracle.
may well be, iirc if the fuel gets warm and starts to evaporate it can be a major issue, so colder fuel might well mean it's thicker and less likely to immediately aerosolise, it could also be there wasn't much fuel on board depending on how much was loaded for the flight.Cold temps may have helped.
Imagine that happening one of the hottest days of the year.