Dental records request - NHS

6 May 2009
I've been going to the same NHS dentist near where my parent live for ~20 years.
They guy who owned the practice retired a few years and and was bought out. Since, it seems to have gone a bit (a lot) downhill.

I always used to see the same dentist, had a checkup every 9 odd months and a good scale and polish for ~20 mins. One filling in 20 years.

Since he left, every time ive gone ive seen different dentists who advice different methods of cleaning (e.g. waterpik, no waterpik)

Around a year ago I was told I needed 2 fillings and had gum disease and they recommended a hygienist clean at £85. I decided to have a private checkup just after to confirm my required fillings and gum disease and needed no fillings and gums were fine. I had a hygienist session privately (it was cheaper and over the road from whre I live)

Back at the NHS practice I provided them the notes from the private dentist and cancelled having the 2 fillings. It seems to me like they're trying to gain more work by saying I need fillings that really I dont.

I requested my patient notes on file from the NHS practice and had a reply

"Morning i can sent estimate treatment plan only if you like to have notes we need to ask and confirm with a practice menager" I said, yes please confirm with practice manager.
I didnt hear anything so replied

Do you have an update on my patience file records please that I requested on 14/02/24?
I believe that both the Access to Health Records Act and Data Protection Act give me a right to see my own personal dental records and these should be provided as quickly as possible.

Heard nothing since. Where do I go from here as I want to see why one dentist tells me I need fillings and then go to the same practice and a different dentist tells me I dont. Do I go to the legal ombudsman?

The private dentist provided me with notes after a few days including xray pictures. Thinking about sacking off my NHS dentist, even if it does cost more going privately. No trust in my NHS practice now.
Send a written request to the practice for all of your dental notes and records.
They have to provide notes for the past several years 7-11 depending upon your age afaik.
They may charge a fee for this process, but it shouldn't be that much, and should be reasonable as long as it doesn't involve copying old film radiographs.
They have a period of time in which they must respond, else raise a complaint with the NHS.

-edit, for clarity, different people will look at radiographs in different ways, some of my colleagues will intervene in early caries earlier than i would, but it would generally be the case, that the place that has seen you for 20 years would be less likely to do work than a new place who have just seen you and don't know you low caries history of only 1 filling in 20 years. If the new place who are private are telling you that you are not likely to require fillings, then i would likely run with that diagnosis, and in general new places are more likely to diagnose any potential issues so they don't get slapped down later. I'd be a little concerned in your situation also. But I haven;t seen your notes, nor examined you, so I can't advise fully.
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Why do you need the records? Your dental health is assessed at every visit so it doesn’t matter that much unless you’ve had some major treatment / issues in the past.

I believe some dentists don’t recommend fillings now even if you have a minor cavity as long as it remains stable over time.

Otherwise, submit a subject access request to your current dentist to get your records.
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Send a written request to the practice for all of your dental notes and records.

I have, an email or does that not count as written? As in pen and paper and letter to the practice?

Why do you need the records? Your dental health is assessed at every visit so it doesn’t matter that much unless you’ve had some major treatment / issues in the past.

I believe some dentists don’t recommend fillings now even if you have a minor cavity as long as it remains stable over time.

Otherwise, submit a subject access request to your current dentist to get your records.
I believe they are lieing to me. One dentist at the practice says I need fillings another at the same practice 6 months later says I dont?!

Im not seeing both a private dentist (to confirm/deny what the NHS one says) and NHS which is costing more money.
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