Desire, Legend or hero options

18 Oct 2002
I am on T Mobile and have been for 15 years

They have upgraded me with a desire on a 12 month contract, its a great phone but a little big.

I have tried a legend and prefer the size an like the size of the Hero

Option 1 take the desire from Tmobile and sell it and but a legend simfree

Option 2 leave T Mobile and get a 18 month contract with the legend from Vodaphone

Option 3 Get a Hero now From T Mobile

Option 4 Wait for the legend to come out on T Mobile

I dont know if the 3 g coverage on vodaphone will be worst than T Mobile i know the 2 g will be better on voda
actually played with a desire ? the bigness isnt really noticeable . especially compared to the chin of the hero

look on the voda site at there coverage maps re 3g signals
The desire has a really big screen and the rest of it is a lot smaller compared to over phones like the hero. My friend has one and at first i was like wow it so big but when you use it you see why. Plus its just soo much better than hero or lengend and for about the same price.
What I meant was, desires are selling for £300+ on ebay and Heroes @ £150 - £200, so get the desire, flog it and get a hero with cash to spare.
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