*** Desk and Room Gallery***

Here's Mine. Nothing special, but pretty good desk for University accommodation.



Decided to take everything off the desk and give it a good clean but it is still dusty :(
Sorry if some pics are blurry, don't know what happened :(
*Deleted Pics*
But i think it looks a lot better, i repositioned the PC so its not next to the radiator and now its nice and cool. i have also made room for a new lava lamp (old one broke) if i get one :D

EDIT: See my next post
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Heres mine at the moment. Clean and clutter free. Simple look.


Soon to be changed due to buying a new wardrobe. 2 door cuboard is going. Desk is going to be chopped down in width about 6 - 10 inches and put in the corner where the cuboard is now. It will house a new Shuttle Im going to build with an LCD mounted on the wall. The TV will be moved onto wall to the left (facing window).
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