*** Desk and Room Gallery***

Thought I woukd post updated pics of my desk. My grandad has just built me a splendid monitor shelf to lift my screens very slightly higher - works great! - I can also position my external HDD and External DVD driver under them as well as my USB hub in the centre.

Click pics for larger versions.


yeah i was thinkin of going for a shelf thing myself, have a narrow desk it wud help a lot, id take a pic but its a mess atm...
Air conditioning added plus a keyboard slide shelf.

Gonna go back to 3 24s when the new 5870 are out. Have the 30 on its own.

That's awesome setup to the room is too small for it all! For awesome audio you need a nice spacious room so the sound can freeflow :D
I want your speaker stands although my speakers would have to be swapped for smaller ones to suit them!
What make/model is you air conditioning unit and is it vented to the outside?


It is vented to outside. Works great.

Make is Challenge. Got it from the popular catolgue shop on the high street and it was 80 quid off lol.Its round 220 now. Is the ideal size for a computer room.
It is vented to outside. Works great.

Make is Challenge. Got it from the popular catolgue shop on the high street and it was 80 quid off lol.Its round 220 now. Is the ideal size for a computer room.

Is it vented via a windows or have you done some kind of alteration to vent via (outside) wall?

I have often thought about getting one as the room where my computers are does get rather hot, especially in summer, but the venting issue has always stopped me proceeding with the idea...
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