Quality on the night picture is loades worse than the day picture
I've got 2 blue cathode's wire'd up behind the desk. I was thinking of changing them to orange, don't know if I will or not.
Wish the picture would have come out better tho, took a few using different settings, mustn't be a very good camra. It would also help if I know what I was doing with it ;P
The poster on the wall is being replaced by somthing much kooler, when it arrives
This was posted in 2010 but I really like desk so hoping OP is still on the forums, or if anyone knows, where is this desk from:
I was just looking through old photos... 5 years ago :
Now :
2 Person LAN :
@Nevakonaza - great setup, looks really nice and clean. One question - what's the small black box on the top of the case?
Best regards
what monitor is that on your desk in the second pic?
Just got the desk last week
the two monitors i have are rubbish but gotta make do, cause im 14
what desk is that?