Played about an hour of it today, been sat on the couch playing it rather than with keyboard and mouse and it plays pretty nice, not a big fan of having to save every 20 seconds (as im rotten at these types of games). Would also rather the camera followed you rather than you having to control it but overall a very fun little game. I prefer it to Blades, but for me Gears of War tactics is the more satisfying game (albeit they are different enough to enjoy both).
For those who like WAB
Very positive review. Mack’s always a laugh. Must admit the ‘stealth’ and ‘hard’ aspects put me off a bit.
Ooh thanks. I might get it for after desperados.shadow tactics: blades of the shogun is on steam for £5 (85% off) today.
I'm thinking about buying the first game in the series on Steam. Wondering if anyone has played the original lately? It might end up being totally janky after playing this third game.
i tried it a few months ago after playing Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines and Beyond the Call of Duty again, really enjoyed them but couldnt get into Desperados at all, loved it when it first released though and will at some point try this new one.