Destiny Multiplayer Thread - it came from the moon...

Sorry just updated the list as been busy - can you just double check Ive got all your details correct.

You sure about that PSN ID - never seen one with a space

Missing PSN ID

ps3ud0 :cool:

Sorry guys, you're right there should be an underscore (DJ_Judas).

I had the Destiny web portal open which showed my ID with a space and therefore foiled my recollection......only been using it for 7 years :p
Platform - Forum name - PSN ID /XBL Gamertag - If you use voice comms - Main character class (if known) - If you have the expansion pass
PS4 - ps3ud0 - polynomial007 - Yes - Warlock - Yes

PS4 - OvEr_KiLL - OvEr_KiLL31 - no - Hunter - not yet but will buy nearer the time
any way to see whos online in the clan in the game without having to add everyong to my friends list?

Would also like to know this. Sorry don't know to much about how the clan thing works as i'm a bit of a noob at this, trying to get back into gaming after a number of years.

Just a quick guide would help. Would be much appreciated.

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