Deus Ex: The Nameless Mod

Direct3D mode works in widescreen IIRC. OpenGL and Glide modes only do 4:3 and 5:4 resolutions natively, although I think there's a mod to sort it out as mentioned by others. The OpenGL and Glide (with a wrapper) renderers are supposed to be better though.

I can't decide if this is really good, really bad or a mixture of both. Occasionally it has made me smile, occasionally it has reminded me why I gave up trying mods.

First, the setting is great, it's even better if you've been on Planet Deus Ex and know the characters in the game, I love the Ghandiah bits and the references to other stuff in the community (like the Twist books in the bookstore)


The level work is far too big, you spend half the time walking down empty streets looking down empty alleyways wondering where the hell you're meant to go. I spent the first half an hour looking for the gun store without success, after looking it up on the net I've found out it's in a different district that I can't get to yet, why didn't they just tell me that :rolleyes:
Does anyone know if this mod allows you to play at 2560x1600?


Yes, I've seen people say they can, and the new OpenGL renderer (included with the mod) allows it. You may need to change a couple of settings in the .ini file by hand. I had to do it to get it running at 1920x1200 (set horizontal and vertical resolution as require and change FOV to 100).

Intended to start playing TNM and did play through the tutorial but then got side-tracked and before I knew it I'd played through Liberty Island again...
Totally amazing mod.It is required to keep an open mind and ability to take in the quirky stuff, but the gameplay was stellar.Just about the best since Deus Ex.
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