Device manager showing 2 Hdd but 'My Computer' only says 1? on Vits 32

13 Jan 2007
Dublin, Ireland
Hi guy I have connected my 500gb drive finally after waitng a while for more SATA cables to come and already have 150gb Raptor in there,

problem is -

in BIOS and Device manager are dectecting both drives 150gb and 500gb.. but
in 'My Computer it is only detecting the raptor 150gb...

I don't know what to do ... driving me nuts any one have an idea?

this is on Vista 32
I don't know if it is the same as in XP but you might have to go into Drive Management (Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management under XP) and format the drive so that Windows can access it. :)
I have always been told to do a Full Format regardless of condition, I was told it makes the space more manageable for the system?
swinnie said:
I have always been told to do a Full Format regardless of condition, I was told it makes the space more manageable for the system?

Never heard that before, I'd normally do a full format if it was an old hard drive that I was re-using but for a new hard drive there shouldn't be any difference. That said I can't remember if you get the option of a quick format from within Windows. :)
swinnie said:
I have always been told to do a Full Format regardless of condition, I was told it makes the space more manageable for the system?

The only thing a full format does is that it checks all of the hard drive for bad sectors and marks any it finds. Hence it's fairly pointless for a new drive. It has no effect whatsoever on "making space manageable" or anything like that.
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