DFI-Lan Party PC...

11 Apr 2003
Hi all, just a quick one, I have installed a 120GB HDD, when formating It only formats to 32GB, and a 160GB HDD Which when formating only formats to 127GB, now these drives normaly format to the normal capacity... so whats wrong?

Thanks, Jcb33
is there a jumper on the hard drive setting it to 32 gig cap?

how old is the motherboard as I recall there was a BIOS limit of 32GB many years ago.
DFI-Lanparty NF4, Socket 939, not that old. Yes NTSF, no idea bout the jumper thing, all I know on the IDE drive is that there is a master, and slave jumper setting
Wiggins said:
The DFI-Lanparty NF4 can take 250GB+ surely?
As Far as I know.... I got it second hand, the installed drive is 160GB and reported as so, but any other drive I install it cuts large chunks away...
when i installed my WD 500aaks it wouldn't work right and only see small amounts. i dl'd WD's utility software and it changed some setting in xp to allow bigger drives.

think it can be manually done in bios on the first page where it will list the HDD's make sure they are set to auto.
Isn't it LBA48bit addressing or some crap? If your not running a fully up to date version of XP (ie SP2) you have any drive >127gb capped to just that.

Not entirely sure, as it's been ages since I last heard of this problem. Just google it.

e: http://www.48bitlba.com/ ?
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