** Diablo 4 Thread **

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I've sent a request (Lacutis) :)
Any idea how much battlepass will be? I am thinking I go with the £20 FOMO upgrade because I might get bored and not use it but then I think well it's only an extra tenner for the ultimate. TBH probs overthinking it for sake of ten quid, spent that on coffee yesterday at work.
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My LEDs on the keyboard changed to red colour on playing D4, with the Q and space button a different colour, which I thought was a nice touch. Never seen any other game change my keyboard colour before. Got onto the server around 12.30am with a queue time of 1 min.

Rolled a rogue that ending up looking like Geralt lol. Made it to the first town before logging off.
Looks like it was an excellent launch? So far Ive only read PS had licence issues.
Woke up early to play around 4am with a barb on PC and didnt encounter any issues. Got to lvl 13 before starting work lol
Looks like it was an excellent launch? So far Ive only read PS had licence issues.
Woke up early to play around 4am with a barb on PC and didnt encounter any issues. Got to lvl 13 before starting work lol
Yeah, always thought that early access would be a good launch. It was my main incentive to get the headstart because I'm guessing that Tuesday onward is going to be mayhem with queues and server issues when the other 20 million players log in
Any idea how much battlepass will be? I am thinking I go with the £20 FOMO upgrade because I might get bored and not use it but then I think well it's only an extra tenner for the ultimate. TBH probs overthinking it for sake of ten quid, spent that on coffee yesterday at work.
Think they said a tenner. So it made the non-base deals look like bad value.
Druid is ridiculously tanky. Not putting out too much damage against bosses yet (level 28) but they can't kill me at least. Just takes a while to wear them on down on tier 2.

Both me and my son have had the same issue where all skills just stopped working randomly. Needed a game restart to fix. Other than that it's been smooth as
What is the point of the guild? As in what benefits are guilds on this game, never joined one. Are there gameplay benefits or is it more a social hub thing.
Is it as dumbed down as D3 compared to D2?

really depends on what you mean by dumbed down. Like D2 in 2023 is a super basic game with awful QOL, basic builds and items, really basic map design and very limited end game. Mobs and AI are very dumb. In many ways D3 is much more advanced.

do you mean streamlining of quests or map?
the most jarring thing is how this game doesn't allow WASD movement, mouse click movement is so old school and Immortal had WASD controls.
hopefully they add it in eventually, in the meantime I'll play exclusively on a controller to avoid the stupid click mouse controls
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