** Diablo 4 Thread **

Alright so I've not used my Battle.net account in a while, not since Diablo 3 probably 2-3 years ago.

My physical authenticator is dead, and it seems the phone number on account isn't my current one either (probably hadn't changed it as the authenticator was working).

Looks like it might be time to make a new account for Diablo 4 then! I could raise a ticket to get my account recovered but it was mainly used with D3, and possibly really old WoW.

Bit of a shame as I had the account for a long time (my email says 2005), but not really much lost I dare say, with Diablo 4 coming out I don't think I'll be heading back into 3 again.
Does the O2 beta code allow you to pre-download the game? I redeem the o2 code but the install button is greyed out on my battlenet

edit: had to switch the game version and the beta :D
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I am sorted :)

I'm more curious as to how this is going to feel playing.
from what I have been watching looks pretty decent so far :D
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Pre ordered to get access to the BETA, pretty sure this will be great based on D3. Gives me a reason to dust the ol' PC off and get some use!!
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