Diamond Frost (Threadripper build)

i've done a soft tubing build before, this'll be my first hard line build

already bought some cheap PETG and a bending kit from amazon... gives me time to practice while sorting out plans, that way when it comes to actually doing it with the proper tubes i'll be more confident with the bends :D
Ohh so hard tubes you bend your self I take it? Soft are sort of flexible?
yeah, soft tubing is like using hosepipe basically... bend and flex however you want

hard line is basically acrylic tubes... run under a heatgun for a while and it becomes flexible, so you can bend it into the angles you need... then when it cools down it goes back to solid.

makes for gorgeous clean builds with straight lines that you can't achieve with soft tubing as it sags and twists
I have z270 Designare. Was about to do the hard tubing, you've made me want to get at it again !

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if you're looking to get into custom cooling loops, soft tubing is definitely the way to start... will give you a good feel for how to plan the loop out, what areas need special attention and how to work everything together

hardline makes it a bit trickier as you have to plan every curve and bend to match the fittings to the pump / reservoir / radiators / GPU / CPU and keep it all in line, and then measure and bend everything to fit your design... it's a lot more prep work and planning, but the end result is spectacular
the X399 is gorgeous... going to have it inverted for my build, so it's going to be a bit trickier to plan out

so it'll look like this in the case lol

it's getting there

mapping out space and fiddling with design thoughts currently... trying to decide which would be best for the PSU shroud design and where to space the reservoir
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