difference between macbook and macbook pro?

17 Jan 2006
North Wales
thinking of selling my white 2ghz macbook and getting a new macbook pro, whats the differences apart from the obvious screen size?

Larger higher res screen. Proper graphics card, Firewire 800. Loads of respect for owning a shiny aluminum laptop.

That do you?
Though on the down side, the battery life is not as good as the macbook, it gets very warm when used(not too good if you use it in your lap) and the hard drive is not easily accessible for user upgrades.

I own a C2D macbook pro and I love it, I was undecided between it and a macbook at the time of purchase. For me it came down to screen size. The macbook is just too small for me. If a macbook was available with a 15" widescreen, I would have bought that instead. Both machines are lovely, but I do miss the portability of my old ibook. But then again, it's kind of hard to have a big screen and maintain portability!
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