Difference between these two?

the 2250v is 0.5" bigger than the 2240T, also the 2250v has 6 reviews all of which are 5* whereas the 2240T has 1 review which is 4 star
If you look at the specs between the two on the LG website, they're both 21.5" (OcUK has the E2250V at 22"), but the E2250V has a HDMI port, the E2240T does not. Otherwise, both models are pretty much the same from what I can tell spec wise.

Comparison table on LG's own site:

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I'd be looking to get a Blu-ray drive soon and play a few games such as Crysis and Batman on it just incase that made a difference, but I take it the response time on both is fast enough?
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