Dirt PS3 Demo coming and game info

4 Aug 2006
Stevenage , Wisbech
Just looked at the PS3 Dirt interview on gamespot
The bloke says the PS3 version will be the definative version of the game. It will look better have a better frame rate and support uncompressed 7.1 audio. It will also be compatable with nearly all the Logitech steering wheels including the G25. At least theyve spent the extra game improving the game rather than the usual poor ports we have had. He also says there will be a demo available before release, it doesnt sound like it will be on the PSN just magazines but guess we'll have to wait till nearer the time.
20 Jun 2005
I think the quote states better frame rates will be able available in the ps3 version, which should have been expected as codemasters and sony co-developed the neon engine that powers all of codemasters next-gen software.
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
I'm actually a bit annoyed about this game, I have stopped playing it on the 360 due to what I consider quite a poor framerate. I then tried the PC version, and even with a reasonable spec PC, it still struggles to maintain 30fps..

Then you find out that the whole game engine is one developed with Sony for the PS3 (As the OP says, using the NEON engine), and the 360/pc versions are just ports of this, yet they released it way before the PS3 version.. clearly it is going to have performance issues, not only is it a port, but they released it whilst still working on the main platform..

Luckily I have a PS3, so if I want to play it 'properly' I can, but I would love to get a full refund on what I consider something that is not by design 'playable'..

In contrast, I've been loving Flatout UC, so at least I've been getting my fix of arcade sliding action...
3 Apr 2007
Demon said:
I'm actually a bit annoyed about this game, I have stopped playing it on the 360 due to what I consider quite a poor framerate. I then tried the PC version, and even with a reasonable spec PC, it still struggles to maintain 30fps..

Then you find out that the whole game engine is one developed with Sony for the PS3 (As the OP says, using the NEON engine), and the 360/pc versions are just ports of this, yet they released it way before the PS3 version.. clearly it is going to have performance issues, not only is it a port, but they released it whilst still working on the main platform..

Luckily I have a PS3, so if I want to play it 'properly' I can, but I would love to get a full refund on what I consider something that is not by design 'playable'..

In contrast, I've been loving Flatout UC, so at least I've been getting my fix of arcade sliding action...

Well that makes a change from the PS3 getting the usual dodgy 360 ports

Overlooking the framerate issue, is it actually any good as a game?
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
A mixed bag..

I'm a CMR fan, but this one has gone on a slightly different tangent, and for the most part it's quite a varied and good game.

The main downside is the arcadeyness to it all, even though you could never accuse any CMR game of being a simulation, but the uber brakes and seemingly endless grip on loose surfaces can be very annoying..

I can't actually comment too much, as playing for more then 20-30 mins has me feeling sick from the choppy framerate..

I just can't see why they've screwed us over so badly,

Looking at other cross platform games, normally they come out on the lead platform, then get ported and tweaked on the other platform a few months later when it's 'acceptably' close to the other platform..

I can't for the life of me think why Codemasters have shafted the PC/360 versions in this manner, and I can't for one minute think Sony would have anything to do with it..
6 Jun 2005
Ive been playing it on a pc for a while (E6400, 2Gb, 8800GTX, Vista 32 bit) and its fun when it works (I keep on getting corrupted game saves and having to start again) the steering sensitivity is too wild for me on some cars, just makes it impossible to drive - other than that its a decent gamr but not upto scratch compared to the first couple of CMR games imo
15 Nov 2006
Chris1712 said:
Only frame rate problems I've had is tearing, which is occasional and is really the devs fault for not turning v-sync on!
Could be wrong here but you can't have v-sync on a 30FPS game can you?

On PC v-sync is always 60hz and above usually, can't see any games working with 30hz.



9 Nov 2004
Exciting, interesting how both Codemasters & Epic are working so closely with Sony for their games/engines.

And how both have stated that they are getting better visuals from the PS3, yet as we all know the PS3 has an inferior GPU from the 360?

With these two & Ubisoft enhancing their software for the PS3 the future looks good :)
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