Disc errors detected on 850 evo

22 Mar 2007
I've owned a Samsung 850 Evo since July 2015. Recently, Windows attempts to run disc repair on each boot, plus when I do an error check within the drive properties it tells me that errors have been found, and security and maintenance in the control panel tells me that errors have been found as well.

Samsung Magician reports drive health as 'good' and I ran Crystaldiskmark and the drive performance was about what I'd expect. Should I be worried about all this and is there anything I can do to fix it? Recently I've been tempted to move to an m.2 nvme such as the WD Black SN750, so maybe this is a good excuse to do it.
Thanks for the advice guys. I've tried running Chkdsk but nothing happens, it just hangs on restart and eventually shuts itself down. I'm going to swap out the sata cable and port as suggested by @ED209 and see if that changes anything. I've also been experiencing some odd behaviour when it comes to shutdown. The computer will often take a couple of minutes to shut down, it will just sit there with a black screen, but the fans and RGB lighting in the system will still be running, so maybe that's connected?

I looked at the Samsung SMART info and it's reporting some ECC and CRC errors, but only 200 and 18 respectively, and the status for everything comes up as 'OK'.
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