Disciplinary Meeting - What to wear?

So procedures not followed then? You've made it sound like two guests picked up their key cards for the rooms but because they weren't IDed they've asked for a refund and got the room for free? Sounds like your mate was the victim of a scam to me (or a part of that scam).
Not sure about dress code but take notes using a large crayon and A3 page whilst making grunting sounds every now and again. He'll be fine!
Whilst it's a silly mistake to make, a non-official stern telling off is surely a better way to tackle it than a disciplinary? -Unless they want to fire that person for other reasons too and are building a case against them.

It's the type of mistake you wouldn't make twice!
Yup, I was testing some GPO's for Windows 8 but because I didn't consult my line manager about installing the software I am in breach of company policies, they're calling it Gross Misconduct.

Breach of policy is breach of policy. As long as you can prove that you weren't up to any mischief, you'll probably be ok though.
I don't think I'm going to bother fighting it or go back, my role was being out sourced in June anyway, I feel this is their ploy to get out of paying redundancy.

It's worth a bit of a fight. You can accept that you breached the policy, but dispute it's GROSS misconduct (the definition of that in employment documentation is always really vague and in the company's favour). So it's probably true from a letter of the law point of view. But you could easily argue it wasn't malicious, and you weren't told not to do it. If everyone got made redundant for policy breaches we'd all be out of work!

Are you looking for other work now? if you seem like you're serious about putting up a fight then you'll probably get some sort of settlement, like half redundancy...
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