We weren't given low, average and high figures. We were told that at the end of the product lifespan, we would have xx thousand pounds to pay off the mortgage and 'a large lump sum'. All the advisors told us this, there was no real discrepancy between them apart from a few quid difference on the monthly figures.
I'm sure that @SexyGreyFox will concur with this, as will others in here.
This is how it was, this is why it was such a scandal when it finally imploded on itself.
Everyone belittling us for 'not doing our research' does not understand what actually happened then. We did the best research that was possible at the time.
It was 1983 and we went to the Halifax and somebody else me and the wife can't remember.
We played one off against the other with their professional Financial Advisers and both of them went down the Endowment route.
Not one of them mentioned stocks and shares which may go up or down, we were told we would pay off the £14,000 mortgage and will receive £16,000 and no mention that that lump sum all depends on what we the bank gambles on, if that was the case we would have had another type of mortgage.
Because of that scam and Pensions etc the laws were changed and these people can't tell you lies any more, they have to go through every scenario with you.
My most recent talk with financial Professionals was contacting PensionWise which was setup by the Government because of the scams.
After he went through every option I then felt confident to ring my Pension Company and tell them what I wanted - a lump sum and so much a week.
He said he was under the law to give me all the options and to record it even though I knew what I wanted so I had to sit there for 30 minutes while he explained my four options and one of them was a risk so that was out of the window.
I still opted for a lump sum and a weekly payout but it also showed how much these scams by professional bodies had now got to be protected.
Like I said in another post, both my daughters can spend an hour explaining every option with people in debt and aren't allowed to give them bad advice.
it is getting on my **** that there is 'those who know everything' in this thread who have zero idea what we went through back then and are looking at us like idiots who don't know how to do money.
You have to ask why the Government had to get involved in these banking lies.