Its a form of escapism for me, escaping the trials of normality.
In the same way that I get engrossed in a good movie it creates a feeling of being in that movie world as you see it on screen. For example, the first film that comes to mind is Dawn of the Dead (the 2004 version), which I loved as it mixed humour, isolation and horror together really well. I became engrossed in the movie to the very end and considered how 'cool' (maybe the wrong word) it would be to be in a world like the movie.
The same goes for games, at the moment Im playing Alien Isolation which has a huge immersion factor for me, mainly because it scares the wits out of me but I love how the game makes you feel alone, scared and vulnerable. Whilst the misses is watching some 'reality' tv show downstairs Im happier experiencing an interactive world through a videogame where you can playout a role surrounded by an imaginative vision of an alternate time and place.
Woah, heavy lol
In the same way that I get engrossed in a good movie it creates a feeling of being in that movie world as you see it on screen. For example, the first film that comes to mind is Dawn of the Dead (the 2004 version), which I loved as it mixed humour, isolation and horror together really well. I became engrossed in the movie to the very end and considered how 'cool' (maybe the wrong word) it would be to be in a world like the movie.
The same goes for games, at the moment Im playing Alien Isolation which has a huge immersion factor for me, mainly because it scares the wits out of me but I love how the game makes you feel alone, scared and vulnerable. Whilst the misses is watching some 'reality' tv show downstairs Im happier experiencing an interactive world through a videogame where you can playout a role surrounded by an imaginative vision of an alternate time and place.
Woah, heavy lol