Disk Issues

19 Nov 2022
Hello All

I have been trying to find a fix online for this issue I am having but can't find any fix that will work. When I am downloading games my disk utilization is hard capped at 50% I have no understanding of why this is does anyone know how I can turn this so I can get to 100% of disk utilization.
Is you download speed maxed out?

Copy files to/from the disk while downloading and see if utilisation changes.
If you're using the processes tab in task manager to get that information and you have two drives then it is giving accurate information as it shows utilisation across all disks on the system and not a specific drive.

Use the performance tab to get utilisation information on each disk in the system (unless you are doing that or just have one drive, in which case disregard what I've said).
Sounds like you're being restricted by the content being delivered rather than the drive.

What's your download speed and your network connection to the modem/router too. You can also be restricted if the download is being unpacked etc so is your cpu etc maxed out when this is happening?

When I download I don't get 100% usage either, my storage drives can read/write considerably faster than I can download.....
Demonix I only have a single drive. This may seem a little complicated how my wifi is setup but just hear me out. My wifi router is on the bottom floor and im on the top so the connection is really poor so I use a wifi booster. Now instead of connecting to the wifi booster using wifi I use an ethernet cable to the wifi booster. I still get an average speed of 500 mbps download and around 80-90 upload.
I suspect you may be getting bits and bytes confused. The capitalisation is important here as your wi-fi connection is probably 500Mbps (500 million bits per second) but your disk (assuming it's SATA) will be capable of 500MBps (500 million bytes per second) which is eight times your wi-fi speed. So it's not possible for your wi-fi to drive your disk at 100%. Utilisation is not the same as transfer rate anyway.
Even a 1Gbps broadband connection wouldn't quite max out most decent hard drives at 100%, as the file transfer speed would be about ~125MB/sec. I'd say hard drives are good for about 150MB/sec transfer speeds, which would roughly translate to a ~1.2Gbps broadband connection.
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