Dissapointed with fear. Spoilers.

as the spoilers have already said everythin in the plot already i might as well ask towards the end when u come head to head with fettle do u have any kind of an option not to kill him ?

the second he stopped talking i put one through his skull and was actually shocked that he died (unlike the fat computer geek who wouldn't take the hint when i shot him with that repeating cannon)
For heavens sake. The plot makes sense when you read it like that, but as the game is so tediously long and drawn out, with endless repitition, there no wonder people lose interest.
I played the game over the period of a few weeks and although it does have some cool bits, I realy couldn't be bothered to listen to ever voice-message in order to help me understand the plot.
I *simply* wanted to get through it..and it felt like a chore.

Also, the so called 'elite commandos' (or whatever they're called) had a rubbish script and poor voice acting.
'Take cover!'
followed by one of the commandos saying : 'Where do I go?' in a really pathetic voice..Highly trainined my big-behind.
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