Anyone have any advice on a really great Dis/OD pedal?
Basically what I want is a smooth, creamy, big ringing sound, not a fuzz sound which seems to be quite popular these days. I'd like the sound to be uniform and tail off into a nice musical feedback. Too many pedals seems to sound too dry with with fizzy undertones and frequency clashes that don't sit together.
The pedals I've tried and which haven't worked for me so far are a Boss DS2 (too mushy), a Boss SD1 (too nasal, no low end) and a Marshall Guvnor (too grunty). I've tried a bunch of cheapo pedals also, but they were all terrible.
I have about £100 to spare, maybe a little more if I find something special.
I know a high end valve amp would certainly get me this sound, but I'm sure there's a pedal out there which can help me get closer to what I want.
Basically what I want is a smooth, creamy, big ringing sound, not a fuzz sound which seems to be quite popular these days. I'd like the sound to be uniform and tail off into a nice musical feedback. Too many pedals seems to sound too dry with with fizzy undertones and frequency clashes that don't sit together.
The pedals I've tried and which haven't worked for me so far are a Boss DS2 (too mushy), a Boss SD1 (too nasal, no low end) and a Marshall Guvnor (too grunty). I've tried a bunch of cheapo pedals also, but they were all terrible.
I have about £100 to spare, maybe a little more if I find something special.
I know a high end valve amp would certainly get me this sound, but I'm sure there's a pedal out there which can help me get closer to what I want.