Ditching RAID0 and Raptors...crazy?

8 Jan 2006
My new build is coming at the end of this month and I'm seriously think about just using an existing 7.2k drive I have (WD Caviar 250gb) for my OS and also not using RAID.

I've been pleased with the R0 Raptor setup, but they are taking up a lot of breathing room and making a lot of noise.

Has anyone else gone back to 7.2k and non-RAID0? Was the loss of HD performance real-world (not benchmark) noticable? I don't mind taking a small step back, but a huge one I might have to reconsider.
I used to have a pair of 160gb SATA drives setup as RAID0, was just interested in doing it for the sake of doing it nothing more at the time. I've since dumped RAID0 and just installed a 7200.10 250gb drive as the main OS drive and apart from copying data around don't really notice any real diffs.

RAID0 splits the camp as far as views are concerned, some will not live without it others like me it's no major loss.
I used to use two 7,200rpm Maxtors in Raid0 for about a year then went back to a single Maxtor as my boot drive and didn't really notice any loss in speed other than a minor loss with benchmarking. I've now got a Seagate 7200.10 as my boot drive and it feels as quick as the Raid0 setup did, that is entirely subjective because I've not bothered to benchmark but I doubt you will notice much of a difference. :)
The 7200.10s were the first mainstream drives using perpendicular technology, it means that more can be fitted onto a platter which improves speed. The drives are quick but depending on the motor used (there are two used that I know of) can be rather noisy apparantly, this isn't something I've ever noticed but then I never bothered to check which model mine is.
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