Ditching the Sky/Virgin Subscription/TV Licence/iPlayer - Anyone done it? Any Advice?

Trying to price up equivalents as far as possible, i.e. UHD hardware but I didn't see anything that let me take a non Sky Q package? Even the basic one seemed to come with the Sky Q HD box.
Yes only the Q box can do UHD

Lucky for me all my TV's in my house are only 720p & 1080p As a Q setup when I priced it would cost me about an extra £20 per month..
Yes only the Q box can do UHD

Lucky for me all my TV's in the house are only 720p & 1080p..

They do 2 Q boxes, one HD (which is the one I have priced up) and one UHD.

If I want the UHD version, it's an extra £200 on the costs i've already outlined above, which makes it way more expensive than the Virgin UHD and BT UHD boxes.

As it is Sky is still more expensive even with no sports package at all and no UHD capability.

I can't understand why anyone gets it if it's so much more expensive, making me wonder if i'm missing something - perhaps there is a different way of combining the TV and internet into a bundle that makes it more competitive that i'm missing?
I can't understand why anyone gets it if it's so much more expensive,
You do have a point there..

Over here we can't get internet through sky so we have to pay £48 per month extra to my local telecoms on top of the sky monthly charge for 40mb internet & line rental
So for me it about £112 per month for skyHD & 40mb internet (That with no sport channels)
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No such thing as all in one entertainment if you don't want to compromise on something.
We have 200mb Virgin broadband
Sky Q 2tb box with four mini boxes fulll bundle with sports and movies and Bt sport plugin on all boxes
Paying £110 per month for that.
But as I say you have to compromise on something to get the best of everything so I'm happy to compromise on price,

To me it's really not that much at end of the day to keep the wife and three daughters happy and out of my hair.
Happy with the idea that i'll need to compromise at some point along the way, though I can't justify £110 per month on TV and internet at the moment, so I can't compromise on price.

From the sounds of it though, there's nothing i'm missing when pricing up Sky, it really is just that much more expensive than the competition.

I guess that leaves me picking between Virgin and BT. In that scenario, I think the Virgin offering is the better of the two, as whilst BT offers UHD BT Sports, the internet is slower and a big chunk of bandwidth is lost to the TV as well, plus the Sky Cinema is only SD.
Virgin - 200Mb, 245+ Channel TV including BT Sport HD and Sky Cinema HD, Tivo V6 UHD box etc. for £55 per month (up to £80 after 12m). 12 month contract.
Just been looking on there website and this virgin package is crazy cheap
When I need to pay over £110 per month just for sky HD (With no sport channels) and 40mb internet :mad:

£55 is less then half of what I got to pay and you get HD sports, 200mb internet speeds and a UHD box
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So anyone dropped Sky and using just Freeview and say Netflix/Prime?

With Sky increasing their prices far above inflation seemingly every year, I wonder if some people have left and reverted to Freeview backed up with say Netflix or Prime?

The kind of things we watch other than the standard channels are:-
- the comedy channel(s)
- the new american shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
- I also get F1HD (via my legacy HD package), but if I lose that, so be it!

We already have Amazon Prime BTW with a Fire TV box in the lounge.

ps: Broadband is about 12mbps
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From what I can see Amazon let you also put Netflix and GoTV on their Fire TV box too, which is nice!
With Sky increasing their prices far above inflation seemingly every year, I wonder if some people have left and reverted to Freeview backed up with say Netflix or Prime?

The kind of things we watch other than the standard channels are:-
- the comedy channel(s)
- the new american shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
- I also get F1HD (via my legacy HD package), but if I lose that, so be it!

We already have Amazon Prime BTW with a Fire TV box in the lounge.

ps: Broadband is about 12mbps

Exactly what I've done and realised I was really only paying for Sky for the convenience of Sky+ and since getting NowTV not watched a huge amount of pure sky content. Need a recorder though as adverts on 4OD etc really wind me up :)
No such thing as all in one entertainment if you don't want to compromise on something.
We have 200mb Virgin broadband
Sky Q 2tb box with four mini boxes fulll bundle with sports and movies and Bt sport plugin on all boxes
Paying £110 per month for that.

That's ridiculously cheap, how did you manage that?

Sky & BT Sport alone is over £120 at full price, another £30-ish for 200mb VM and then you have line rental on top of that.
We've reverted back to just Freeview HD. We had a TiVO subscription with Virgin Media for years but the box was so sluggish it was practically unusable - now pay £36 for 200mb gamer. We also have a Netflix subscription along with Prime, add in 24TB of Plex content and we have all we could ever need. We use the built in apps on both the LG smart TVs (lounge and Bedroom) and don't miss TiVO one little bit.
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