I feel like i'm missing something somewhere, everyone seems to have Sky but to me it just seems to be mind blowingly expensive in comparison to the others?
You priced the sky Q setup which costs a lot more...
I feel like i'm missing something somewhere, everyone seems to have Sky but to me it just seems to be mind blowingly expensive in comparison to the others?
You priced the sky Q setup which costs a lot more...
Yes only the Q box can do UHDTrying to price up equivalents as far as possible, i.e. UHD hardware but I didn't see anything that let me take a non Sky Q package? Even the basic one seemed to come with the Sky Q HD box.
Yes only the Q box can do UHD
Lucky for me all my TV's in the house are only 720p & 1080p..
It includes BT Sport HD and Cinema HD.
You do have a point there..I can't understand why anyone gets it if it's so much more expensive,
Just been looking on there website and this virgin package is crazy cheapVirgin - 200Mb, 245+ Channel TV including BT Sport HD and Sky Cinema HD, Tivo V6 UHD box etc. for £55 per month (up to £80 after 12m). 12 month contract.
With Sky increasing their prices far above inflation seemingly every year, I wonder if some people have left and reverted to Freeview backed up with say Netflix or Prime?
The kind of things we watch other than the standard channels are:-
- the comedy channel(s)
- the new american shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
- I also get F1HD (via my legacy HD package), but if I lose that, so be it!
We already have Amazon Prime BTW with a Fire TV box in the lounge.
ps: Broadband is about 12mbps
No such thing as all in one entertainment if you don't want to compromise on something.
We have 200mb Virgin broadband
Sky Q 2tb box with four mini boxes fulll bundle with sports and movies and Bt sport plugin on all boxes
Paying £110 per month for that.