Dive letter problem

18 Oct 2002
just re-installed vista and for some reason its installed it on drive letter F, It's labeled my old D drive to C and my old E drive to D.

any idea how I can get my vista back on C without formatting it again, and even if I do format how do I go about forcing it to choose C ?
i use xp but i've experienced this plenty.

don't try to change the drive letter of your main os drive. i once used partition magic to try to do this. it can search for references to a drive and change them, but needless to say when i booted back up the os was trashed.

and i dunno how you force windows to use a certain drive letter. it just seems to like to do its own thing. i once had windows installed on e and i just lived with it. didn't cause any problems.

if anybody knows how to tell windows what the drive letter of the os should be, then me and the op would like to hear how to do it.
I fixed it the hard way in the end. disconnected all drives apart from the OS drive, then formatted and reinstalled. Then when everything was up and running I reconnected the other drives :)
Sounds like an old XP installer bug, randomly, and very occasionally it would make the boot drive a random letter, could be pretty much anything. Re'formatting, and making the same install over again would normally cure it.

Glad you sorted yours though, gotta love microsofts installer, guess there is still a lot of XP left in Vista :P
Gman said:
I fixed it the hard way in the end. disconnected all drives apart from the OS drive, then formatted and reinstalled. Then when everything was up and running I reconnected the other drives :)

ah ha. that is what i do to force windows to put my boot files on the drive i install windows on. can't stand it when it puts the boot files on my data drive. WHY DOES IT DO THAT!!!!!! :mad:
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