Django v Rails V .net

19 Jul 2006
So recently I had a play with django.
Followed a tutorial and got a minimum viable product produced however I had so more ideas on how to make it better and this is where it started to fall down.
I liked using django and found it easier to write then php however I cant find much more help out there on it. For example I have a DateField in the model and I'm just using the forms that django provides, I want to change that DateField in the form from been a text box to been a datepicker. According to the Docs there is a way to do this using a admin module. But no guidance of how to implement ( or no way for a noob to do it) Stackoverflow has one question similar to it which suggests hacking it and using jquery but again with no real explanation.
As much as I liked learning what I have ( I have also learned how to use GIT on this project ) I feel that there is much more features that I would like to add to the App and feel that I am going to get stuck with the lack of resources out there for Django.
I don't want to keep going with it and then find out that 'I' cant do what I'd like to.
Would you suggest moving it to a different language now with better tutorials and a bigger help community before I go to far?

Basically at the moment its just a database site where users can add items and everyone can review them?
17 Sep 2009
Personally I've not used django or python before, but have been tempted before on some recommendations.

The date picker issue is a more front end (HTML & JavaScript) issue - I doubt there would be anything in django to help you there. I would google jQuery UI datepicker and try to add that to your view.

Personally I'm a .NET developer, but I don't believe one framework is better than another - it's mainly about preference and just using what you know. If you're enjoying django then keep going with it. All frameworks and languages have quite a steep learning curve.
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