DnB thread!

this is probably the best place to ask, anyone know of any d'n'b nights going on this saturday in amsterdam? going over for a stag weekender, and i can't find anything about d'n'b nights in the 'dam...

Tbh you're better off registering on the DNBA Website or DNBForum.com and asking there. Was a thread about it the other week with forthcoming events for the next 3 months I think.
some 1994 goodness. :D


I own this 3 pack CD :)
Came across two sweet mixes from dRamatic & dbAudio and Furney. Wicked wicked vibes!



Also one for jamming to this lovely Sunday evening!

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Thats a nice remix, also feeling the Anex tune above, seems this summery style with strings is the style of choice nowadays :) Is it classed as liquid or what? Seems a bit too upbeat despite it's musicalness and smoothness.
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