DNS on our network

Hopefully we've got a back up of the database if it does go **** up... Whoever set this network up is a bit of a numpty!

Should I put the IP address of the router as a DNS forwarder or the IP of our ISPs DNS servers, or do I not need to?

Changing topic slightly, for a small business like this one, what would you recommend as a naming convention for the machines? At the moment they're either Accounts1 etc or someones name. I was thinking of just giving them a number which then could be used for asset tracking.

Thanks guys!!!

I'd put your ISPs DNS servers as a forwarder (or better, opendns)

I'd normally go with "Companyname1" etc, or PC1, Laptop1...
Giving them people's names is stupid

Edit...hang on, if your router is doing DHCP, what is is setting the client's DNS servers to?
Just makes it confusing when people leave.

Thanks for all your help guys! I will try out your suggestions and hopefully get it a lot more reliable than it is now.

I'm thinking of using OpenDNS rather than our ISPs as then when the need arises we can start filtering content.
You didnt answer my question :p

If the router was setting the client's DNS server to the router's IP, you'll have the problems you describe
You should name machines by their role, not their user. The role is less likely to change than the user is!

I'd agree with the others, let the router do it's job (routing) and let SBS do its (DHCP, DNS etc)
Iain, I believe it's setting them to the ISPs DNS. Mine is manually configured and is pointing to the SBS
...LOL, I love this forum!
**Slaps forehead and wonders off muttering**

you wont ping the other server by computer name until you add it to the domain - OR you can add the DNS Suffix to the TCP/IP properties of the Win2K NIC.... But adding to the domain is the best (and really) only option

I'll try to persuade my boss to let me do that...

My head has gone so now I'm installing Win 7 RC in Virtual Box on my machine now.
Small businesses & the people they let loose to manage their networks (not having a dig at the op). SOme of the things me & my colleagues see when drafted in to resolve issues caused by people configuring these machines with absolutely no knowledge of how it all works or what they are trying to achieve.
Its truly frightening.
Some people have to start somewhere, and a lot of people learn on the job, I didn't but that only because if I cause a system downtime it cost us £8k a minute!

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