Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas?

I shave everything.... well not my bum cos that grows back too fast at times + I like having some hair there as it keeps me warm in the colder weather a twork (I work outside)

I shaved my crack once. It was ridiculously uncomfortable to sit down for about 2 weeks. Never, ever, again.
The only thing I shave is my face.....even then only occasionally and with a combat knife....

Anything else is just gay!
Pits get a trim every now and then, the monobrow goes, the back hair I could do with getting rid of, it's just a pita to get at. I trim downstairs but I can't trim too much, I have a really hairy chest and stomach, so if I go too crazy I look like I'm wearing some kind of anti-hair thong. Nipple hairs get trimmed, if I leave them, they get to about 3 inches long, no lie. Tried shaving the crack once. Never again.
I trim everything, legs, chest, pubes, the lot. Never a clean shave though as too many ingrown hairs.

In my defense for the leg shaving, I don't squat my ass off every week in the gym, just to have all that hard work covered up by my hairy monkey legs.
I get chest, belly, shoulder and back hair, and try to get rid of it whenever possible because frankly I find it disgusting.
Man area gets a trim every once in a while though but never the full works. You only make that mistake once. Arms, armpit hair and legs get left though.

However within the last year I've noticed two balding patches on the outer sides of each leg below the knee. Not a clue why it's happening but it feels like a recently shaved leg, but I've never shaved my legs in my life. I thought it had something to do with my operation I had (first time I noticed it was when I got out of the hospital), but they haven't grown back and that was in March. I'm wondering if it's to do with the fact I sometimes put my legs up on the chair and sit cross-legged. This makes it sound like an excuse for having legs that look half shaved, but seriously I wished that was the case as then I'd actually know where the hell my leg hair has gone.
2 pages and nobody has linked to that famous story about that guy shaving his arse along with other areas? disappointing :(
Trim my pubes & armpit hair. Sometimes my chest/torso (mainly in the summer). Clean shaved my pubes never make that mistake ever again haha.
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