Do any vanilla / TBC WoW players still play WoW?

There are a number of legendary items that can drop, some are class specific, some specialization specific within a class. They can drop from completing almost any kind of content and once you've progressed to a certain point you can equip two of them. They're basically powerful items that offer a nice effect or enhance a talent or ability that will allow you to play your class slightly differently with the idea being once you've gotten a few that you'd swap them around to specialise for a certain boss. The big downside is that some are obviously better than others for your spec so there is an element of luck to it as well.

I know people will immediately go 'oh so everyone gets easy legendaries now' but I can't say it bothers me. Ever since Mists with the legendary cloak questline, continuing in Draenor with a legendary ring questline, legendary items have been less exclusive 'special *********' items and more something to work towards that will provide a nice boost, people playing the most would obviously get them much sooner but eventually most active players would too. With Mythic raiding they cater to those wanting to have the unique titles, mounts and armor appearances (at least whilst its current content) so it isn't like they just give everything to everyone for no effort. I know this will be seen as a bad thing by many, then again as I said before, the game is different now, I play it differently too, yes Vanilla-Wrath were some of my best times in gaming, but I couldn't play those again now with the time required.
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I think its very unlikely anyone who first got in too this game is still playing it too day, as with any game over time you doo lose interest and get bored,.

You'd be surprised then, there is still a lot of active players who opened accounts in 2004/05.

There seems to be a lot of nostalgia with this game back then, a lot of those who go back to private servers with the game in its original state, don't last long before they're playing the newest expansion again.

The game had to change or it would have became stale, they needed to make content that could appeal to everyone as a lot of the younger generation who were addicted grew up and didn't have the time anymore.

The current player numbers are astonishing considering how long this MMO has been around and how you only ever seem to hear negative comments about it now.
You'd be surprised then, there is still a lot of active players who opened accounts in 2004/05.

There seems to be a lot of nostalgia with this game back then, a lot of those who go back to private servers with the game in its original state, don't last long before they're playing the newest expansion again.

The game had to change or it would have became stale, they needed to make content that could appeal to everyone as a lot of the younger generation who were addicted grew up and didn't have the time anymore.

The current player numbers are astonishing considering how long this MMO has been around and how you only ever seem to hear negative comments about it now.
I always wonder how many of those players feel trapped. When you've been playing for so long, there must be some kind of apprehension about stopping. All the items and things you will miss. I wonder if it keeps some people playing.
I always wonder how many of those players feel trapped. When you've been playing for so long, there must be some kind of apprehension about stopping. All the items and things you will miss. I wonder if it keeps some people playing.

Many of them, like any habit it's difficult to break after so many years and good memories.

I only started playing in WoD as the times I'd tried the game before that I never got to end game content and I've always found levelling in MMO's quite boring.
When I quit it took me a good 4 months before the itch of resubbing and start playing again left my head, when it becomes such a part of daily life it was hard to fill the void it left.
I think after TBC the game just went down hill
Definitely - Raiding was never the same.
I think 40 mans were a nightmare to organise and get prepared for (omg grind for potions and gear) but they were so much more... fun!

Maybe I just had time to dedicate to it back then and decided I couldn't be bothered later on, but I never minded helping other people get their legendary weapons, when I was stuck with Finkle's Lava Dredger.
I started in vanilla and still play now, I've varied in terms of activity and have stopped for periods here and there but been active in every expansion. It's not really habit so much as I just still quite like the game, Warlords and Cataclysm were pretty disappointing but Legion is actually quite fun thus far.

I've tried other MMOs as a I like the genre but not found one I like better thus far.
I still play, played since vanilla,GM, 10/10 mythic guild. Games probably in one of its best ever states and is still fun, lots for everyone to do regardless of the criers that always seem to pop up.

The game engine is old but it's still a good game.
I cleared nearly everything classic but the time investment was huge, it was very rewarding being in 1 of the first 10 or so on clears but no way could I invest that again (nor would I want to) Only made it 70% through nax, that was a hell of a grindfest even by classic standards.

Wasnt a fan of TBC did a bit but stopped, came back for wotlk and it was a lot more accessible - certainly easier organising raids. Stopped after clearing everything again other than trying mists for a few weeks have not touched it since.

It's obviously very different from early days - got a few mates still active and they all say it's amazing now with lots of different things to do no matter your time commitment levels.

Like with everything, if get a good group who work for each other and it can be amazing, get mixed up with a bunch of power hungry toxic teenagers and it's going to be a crap experience.
I started in Vanilla, and am still playing now.

I now only play a couple of times week doing mythics with a small close guild of family and friends. Still enjoying it, legion has been a vast improvement over some of the last few expansions.
Started in the vanilla beta, took a break for MOP and Warlords but now back playing Legion and still enjoy it, Legion is pretty good. Very casual player though. :)
Been playing since early 06 still a great game it's changed a lot sure, but some changes have made a vast improvement dungeon finder for one and gold was hard to come by in vanilla ,always been a casual player though never been into raiding much not seriously anyway. heroic Dungeons are a walk in the park now though in TBC they was a lot tougher you needed tactics or it was wipe city :p tbc and woltk are my favourite expansions to date but Legion has been fun to play.

I have 2 legendary items so far Trinket and gloves but can only equip one at the moment :( I guess more progression is needed ?
still playing since the beginning had an odd break for like a week or so but thats all. still have all my CE editions unopened etc all the tcg cards in boxes all the wow mags, atlases and books in a collection boxed in spare room.

dont play that much else tbh.
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