It's actually an a pretty interesting article, with some thought provoking points once you get into it and away from the clickbait headline of "buildings look like willies therefore bad".
I first started reading it, and was reminded of a study to do with AC temperatures where in a woman dominated office, the AC was often set by a man (be it facilities manager, building manager (jobs more likely to be done by men) etc) and the temperature they set was lower than ideal for women. This had a negative effect on their productivity. Sure, I don't think the manager is being overtly sexist but it does make you wonder if the end user has been thought about.
Again, I echo that with the bus designer. She mentions pram spaces are hard to find, I wonder how many times the male bus designer (I only know of one bus designer, and he is male - though I suspect the majority are indeed male) has thought about prams and the like - something which may be felt more acutely by a woman than a man. I suppose I'm suggesting that if we assume men and women have different needs (which I think that they often do) then it's important that at the design and implementation stage equal weighting is given. As a man without kids, and not wanting to have any, I certainly wouldn't ever consider the pram arrangements on a bus.
having to limit our movements, adjust our clothing, and travel in packs, avoiding dark alleys
This part probably resonated me the most. Isn't it awful that women are made to feel this way, and have to moderate their behaviour due to the way some men make them feel. Why shouldn't public areas, buildings, lobbies, etc be built with this in mind? To ensure there aren't blind corners, to ensure adequate lighting, to ensure that when walking up the stairs someone can't look up their skirt, etc.
Sure, there's some nonsense in the wording of the article but isn't it important that we consider the end user as much as possible in design? And if that can make 50% of the population happier, and more engaging with the product then wouldn't that be advantageous?