Do Guys Feel Hormonal?

A serious response to your question OP; yes guys do get hormonal, especially at your age -- it's called puberty. Anyway, testosterone levels go up and down quite regularly and they do affect your mood. It would be naive to assume otherwise.

All this thread reflects is the social stigma attached to guys showing any emotion/weakness at all, it's a bit pathetic really.

To be honest, if anyone feels they can ridicule me for the above post, you quite kindly **** off :)
A serious response to your question OP; yes guys do get hormonal, especially at your age -- it's called puberty. Anyway, testosterone levels go up and down quite regularly and they do affect your mood. It would be naive to assume otherwise.

All this thread reflects is the social stigma attached to guys showing any emotion/weakness at all, it's a bit pathetic really.

Finally! Wow, I didn't know. I do get right weird sometimes, like angry or upset *cough* aroused */cough*. Thanks for the reply, I've really enjoyed the replies in this thread. Certinaley brightend up my evening lol.
Do guys feel hormonal? Like sexually aroused or upset? I was just sat and I felt turned on by nothing at all, then I felt upset.

Isit normal, or isit just me?

Normal, especially being turned on by nothing and especially if you're young enough and fit enough.

There isn't as much difference between men and women as we're all supposed to believe. Same basic design with different tweaks.

I found it amusing when a researcher handed out "PMS" questionnaires to men (as a control group) as well as women and got the same range of answers from both groups except for the question about water retention. Surprise!
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