Do i keep ale at room temperature or chilled?

Depends on the ale, most Hobgoblins are ideal at just below room temperature (i believe the term is cellar temperature), check the label it usually says on the back. I stick it in the freezer for 5 mins before drinking tbh, tends to get it close enough to 'cellar' temperature.
to stick it in the fridge or not :P ? its the extra strong one.

Quite often the labels have serving suggestions on them I believe? I've seen a few that do, but I don't bother looking at them any more as I always stick them in the fridge.

I've only ever seen (and drank) the 5.2% Hobgoblin, didn't realise there was stronger stuff :eek: I'm a big fan of the Wychwood brewery, although there's still a couple that I've not managed to find yet.
Chilling a beer reduces the flavour, it's a bad thing to do if you want to taste what you're drinking. Why do you think that manufactured, chemical ridden crap like Magners, Stella, Fosters etc is sold chilled practically to freezing point? It's to hide the disgusting taste!
Chilling a beer reduces the flavour, it's a bad thing to do if you want to taste what you're drinking. Why do you think that manufactured, chemical ridden crap like Magners, Stella, Fosters etc is sold chilled practically to freezing point? It's to hide the disgusting taste!

That all depends on what the beer was designed for lagers are generally chilled, ales aren't. But neither should they be served at room temperature on a hot day.
you leave magners out of this, its lovely stuff :D

It's really not, it's not even a good cider in the traditional sense but if you like it then carry on, you can have my share too. :)

I've never liked ale myself, it always seems to taste like coffee to me :s?

I'm northern as well, i should like ale :eek:

Ale tastes like coffee? Something has gone very, very wrong in your tastebuds or you drink the oddest coffee I've ever heard of.

//edit and as said ale at room temperature or just below, I'd tend to leave it in a cooler place in the house like a back hallway or similar.
I've always drank Hobgoblin and other ales from the fridge just through being in habit of all booze minus spirits getting put there.
Will avoid doing so next time. Tastes fine either way though (ie when it hasn't been in the fridge long xD)
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