Either that or she is a nutter and she has him tied to the bed and the doors locked and is currently wearing a cat outfit complete with tail and purring at him.
Either that or she is a nutter and she has him tied to the bed and the doors locked and is currently wearing a cat outfit complete with tail and purring at him.
You know he's going to come back and say "we stayed up all night and talked....it was great"
A ban if no update is received however, that's only fair.
A ban if no update is received however, that's only fair.
He was last active at 0019hrs this morning.
He was last active at 0019hrs this morning.
............she went mental and cut his bits off.
Most exciting girl thread ever.
A ban if no update is received however, that's only fair.
I find these threads boring and dull but then again, what would you expect on a computer forum
I red the thread title and expected something similar to OP message. Although I find these amusing sometimes.
If you dont like them, what is your excuse for clicking it?
I clicked it simply to express my opinion that it is rather sad to make threads like this.
I don't mind threads which say "I banged this really hot girl last night" as then you at least have something to show off, but threads asking for others to help you man up are just sad.
You should have made a new thread and asked for mods to ban all sad threads.
Its the latest thing around here.
I think, going by previous threads, the OP is already a hero. Minxy, you could learn something from this guy.
Me? Why so? I think you have me confused with MinxYyY