Do I need a new CPU and motherboard as part of my upgrade plans?

12 Aug 2018
Hello All,

First time posting on this forum. I'm planning to upgrade my computer with a new GPU (waiting for new line of Nvidia cards) and some RAM, but I'm not sure whether I should first be focusing on a new CPU and motherboard?

I don't need my rig to be playing the latest games at the best settings (I tend to play game of the year titles a year after they've been released!) but it would be nice if my set up could at least handle those titles on mid-high settings. Example of the types of games I play currently: Witcher 3, MGSV, XCom2, Total War Warhammer. Examples of games I would like to play on 'high' settings in the future: Red Dead Redemption 2; Metro Exodus; Fallout 76.

Rig details below (1080p monitor). Any help really appreciated!

CPU - Intel Core i5 4690k overclocked to 4.6
CPU Cooler - Be Quiet. Pure Rock
Motherboard - Gigabyte Z97X - Gaming 3
RAM - 8GB Corsair 1600mhz Vengeance (2 x 4GB)
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce GTZ 970 4GB
PSU - 600w FSP

Should be good, running 1440p or 1080p ?

When 9th gen CPUs come out might be able to pick up an i7 K chip for your board pretty sweet and give it a little bit of extra leg room :)
You're looking good with what you have and your planned RAM and GPU upgrades. You might, however, want to refresh your PSU. FSP aren't bad but don't have the greatest of reputations.
Welcome aboard, the beer is in the fridge and nuts are all over the place.

While having just four threads that clock speed makes Haswell still quite good for gaming.
Intel's CPU architecture advance since it has been quite small, with only Skylake small architectural improvement.
Kaby Lake, Coffee Lake and coming "9th gen 9000" models are all rehashing of same with just clock speed tweaks and then more cores to answer Ryzen.
Intel has been counting on 10nm node as base for actually improved architecture and late next year is now likely best case expectation for actually improved architecture CPUs.

Again Ryzen with its manufacturing process limited clock speeds wouldn't be notable upgrade for single thread performance.
Though with AM4 socket's upgrade path to 2020 you could upgrade PC with likely faster than any current Intel CPU.

But what's the particular model of that PSU and its age?
Third tier C(r)apXon capacitors have been almost FSP's trademark with high quality capacitors only in some of later FPS's PSUs.
And if you're enthusiast user with lots of power on hours for PC it might be wearing down.

Also how's the "sound department"?
Good sound reproduction can improve immersion notably in some types of games.
And if you don't want to shell out more money, or don't have space, for some surround speakers good headphones can give quite a lots of immersion.
For cheap price compared to higher end graphics cards.
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies - really appreciate it! Orbital Wash: it's 1080p and I'll keep my eye out of an i7, thanks! . Quartz: thanks, they're relatively inexpensive so it would make sense to do that EsaT: Thanks that's a really useful summary of CPU's and I feel confident that there's still some legs in it for at least another year (just trying to spread the cost really!). As per yours and Quartz's advice I'll have a look at the model of PSU next time I've got it open. It's been running for a while so it's probably due an upgrade and I'll go for something more quality this time. Sound is good. I've got some Mordaunt Short speakers which are ace :).

Again, thanks everyone.

Zen2 CPUs next winter/spring would be likely good upgrade time.
Those improve architecture (unlike Intel's 9000 serie) and will have also manufucturing node advantage over Intel.
So should be good improvement to single thread performance.
With AMD's upgrade friendliness current motherboards would take them with BIOS update.
But if current CPU isn't bad and there's no money to throw around its better to wait.
grab monitoring software - should show you percentage of your CPU workload and GPU - looking for almost max GPU and lower usage across the CPUs, if its the other way around, CPU cant keep pace with GPU . 1080p normally is the worst for this, so worth noting if you increase resolution in the future, less strain on CPU.
ryzen closes the gap on intel at higher res - 1080 intel still commands the lead and Zen2 will have to push high Hz !

as mention by Esat , 2020 last upgrade path for zyen 1-4th gens . DDR5 is out 2020 but most likely hit boards 2021, roads maps for Vendors that far ahead is pretty much vague ...
Intel really need to get get their 10nm ready with DDR5 - if they get anything with DDR4 now - waste of R&D casha nd just shows how much they dropped the ball
Hi Both,

EsaT: Thanks again. Learning a lot about CPU's which is all good especially when newer doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot better. I'll definitely keep an eye out for Zen2. I'm not wedded to Intel in that sense.

Orbital Wash: Thanks. I didn't really know about the balance between GPU and CPU. Just tested on Fallout 4 using CAM and the share of the load is actually fairly equal (slightly in favour of GPU) which would hint towards getting a new CPU in the not so distant future. So in that sense if I got a 4k screen I would need a more powerful graphics card than if I was playing 1080p, but the flipside is that the CPU wouldn't have to work as hard?


Hi Both,

EsaT: Thanks again. Learning a lot about CPU's which is all good especially when newer doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot better. I'll definitely keep an eye out for Zen2. I'm not wedded to Intel in that sense.

Orbital Wash: Thanks. I didn't really know about the balance between GPU and CPU. Just tested on Fallout 4 using CAM and the share of the load is actually fairly equal (slightly in favour of GPU) which would hint towards getting a new CPU in the not so distant future. So in that sense if I got a 4k screen I would need a more powerful graphics card than if I was playing 1080p, but the flipside is that the CPU wouldn't have to work as hard?



Pretty much ! If you can hold of for Zen 2 then all the better - more cash for AMD ;)

Should see next gen cards at Gamescom , what I can't get confirmed is release time of AIB to Nvidia reference designs . I think it'll be a month , but silence on finding out anything that end

If you want a quick test, if any of your games allow in their setting to upscale resolution like BF1 then give it a try with CAM overlay or via Geforce Experience software . Gets the game to render at higher resolution then display on your current 1080p screen. Should see GPU load increase and CPU slightly drop .
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