Do u feel lonely when u play single player?

I play most games single player, usually play borderlands as 2-3 person co-op but trying to get people online at the same time etc can be annoying some days.
No. I have never felt lonely in a single player game. The only time it feels pants is trying to play multiplayer with BOT's (typically FPS BOT's because they are either terrible, or ridiculously overpowered and always know where you are (even through walls etc).
Sometimes, i depends what game it is though.

I am a pure CS:Source ZE gamer, so i play about 70% multiplayer and 30% SP. i normally change between the 2. so i do 1 hr of SP gaming then go onto multiplayer.

Or if they are playing rubbish maps online i then carry on playing SP. I'm half way through Crysis 3 and it's brilliant.
I know what you mean. I wouldn't say lonely but lacking something the pleasure of sharing stuff.

I think it was MW3 or blops2 ( or both now i think of it as we were laughing at the horse riding bit) a mate and I waited till we both had time off at a weekend and played the SP campaign and chatted on voice comms whilst we did it...

Kinda sad but deffo made it more amusing ****ging the game off constantly and laughing at some of the cut scenes together.

I wish more games allowed Co-Op modes on SP campaigns...
Single player is boring. There's no better feeling than dominating someone else and knowing that what you're doing is making them rage on the other end. It's priceless.
Im so used to online gaming that when I play single player it becomes rather lonely feeling.

But then again atm I have a crap social life and no job so without internet I dont get much social interaction tbh.

However you can say it enhances feelings such as playing dead space etc..and that eery feel or fallout or skyrim you become immersed in a deep rich world.

Perhaps if i had a rich social life and job as i used to then a few hours solitude single player gaming now and then would be a welcome escape from life whereas its not that SP gaming is a lonely exp. just my life situation at this time makes it feel that way.


Humans have a need for social interaction.

I am playing an absolutely fkn awesome single player RPG game just now. Divinity 2. It came out in 2009, yet I have only just discovered it as the devs/publisher simply must lack the resources of the mega RPG studios who have enough clout and wealth to make sure absolutely everyone gets infected with the hype for their inevitably technically slick, yet mediocre and sterile games such as Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Amalur etc.

Anyways, I am playing this game and absolutely fkn loving it. I am thinking to myself that this game has absolutely everything I would want in an RPG in addition to some very novel gameplay scenarios that work wonders. Because I am getting such a good buzz from the game, I am always wishing that I could somehow share the experiences with my friends, but of course I can't. Furthermore, I can spend around 3-4 hours playing the game at a time. Arguably that is time that could be spent socialising or attending to real relationships. Further still, when I am visiting friends and such, the thought always occurs to me that actually, I am pretty bored and would much rather be at home running and flying around my Divnity 2 fantasy land.

Not only can single player gaming 'feel lonely' due to the human need to share experiences being frustrated, but the almost instantly pleasurable sensations associated with gaming, can also sabotage the process of socialisation itself, whereby you may prefer to sit at home and game other than hang out with a group of guys, who mosre often than not lack the immediately accessible inspiring and stimulating input that a video game offers. Thus gaming not only frustrates a basic human need, but can also distract us from fulfilling this basic need.
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Humans have a need for social interaction.

I am playing an absolutely fkn awesome single player RPG game just now. Divinity 2. It came out in 2009, yet I have only just discovered it as the devs/publisher simply must lack the resources of the mega RPG studios who have enough clout and wealth to make sure absolutely everyone gets infected with the hype for their inevitably technically slick, yet mediocre and sterile games such as Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Amalur etc.

Anyways, I am playing this game and absolutely fkn loving it. I am thinking to myself that this game has absolutely everything I would want in an RPG in addition to some very novel gameplay scenarios that work wonders. Because I am getting such a good buzz from the game, I am always wishing that I could somehow share the experiences with my friends, but of course I can't. Furthermore, I can spend around 3-4 hours playing the game at a time. Arguably that is time that could be spent socialising or attending to real relationships. Further still, when I am visiting friends and such, the thought always occurs to me that actually, I am pretty bored and would much rather be at home running and flying around my Divnity 2 fantasy land.

Not only can single player gaming 'feel lonely' due to the human need to share experiences being frustrated, but the almost instantly pleasurable sensations associated with gaming, can also sabotage the process of socialisation itself, whereby you may prefer to sit at home and game other than hang out with a group of guys, who mosre often than not lack the immediately accessible inspiring and stimulating input that a video game offers. Thus gaming not only frustrates a basic human need, but can also distract us from fulfilling this basic need.

Lol i remember i used to love to get away from my mates so i could watch pornos..As I was young and had a chipped cable box and got free porn. Id watch porn 12-5am...whenever out late at night id make excuses to get home lmao...
Being a married father of three I find even single player games which mostly equates to a skirmish on Company of Heroes a great solace.

Muiltiplayer with the worst creation on earth: teenagers, is my idea of hell.
I feel crowded in multiplayer! Used a head set and mic once and then dumped it in the drawer in disgust. There are a lot of crazies out there...
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